Wraps the latest version of the Ifremer Argo NetCDF file checker as a Docker image. Written by @paleolimbot.
As a command-line utility:
You can use the 'argo-checker.py' Python file locally as long as you have java
installed and on your PATH.
python argo-checker.py --help
usage: argo-checker.py [-h] [--update] [--force] [--quiet] {check,serve} [files_or_urls [files_or_urls ...]]
Run, serve, or upgrade the Ifremer NetCDF file format checker for Argo floats <https://doi.org/10.17882/45538>.
positional arguments:
{check,serve} Use 'check' to export XML to stdout based on 'files' and 'serve' to serve a minimal web-based interface.
files_or_urls Zero or more files or URLs if 'action' is 'check'
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--update Update to the latest distributed version of the tool before running 'action'
--force Reinstall even if tool is at latest version.
--quiet Suppress status messages.
Alternatively, it can also be used via docker:
# once:
# docker pull paleolimbot/argo-checker
docker run --rm paleolimbot/argo-checker check \
Searching for installed tool in '/argo-checker'
Installed tool found at '/argo-checker/tool_83774'.
Downloading <https://data-argo.ifremer.fr/dac/meds/4902533/profiles/R4902533_001.nc>
Running 'java -cp ./resources:./jar/formatcheckerClassic-1.17-jar-with-dependencies.jar -Dapplication.properties=application.properties -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 oco.FormatControl /tmp/tmps3u3zn3eR4902533_001.nc'
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<comment>Control file data format</comment>
<date>18/06/2021 19:14:08</date>
<title>Argo float vertical profile</title>
<data_type>Argo profile</data_type>
<file_error>The variable "LATITUDE" is not correct: attribute "reference" forbidden</file_error>
<file_error>The variable "LATITUDE" is not correct: attribute "coordinate_reference_frame" forbidden</file_error>
<file_error>The variable "LONGITUDE" is not correct: attribute "reference" forbidden</file_error>
<file_error>The variable "LONGITUDE" is not correct: attribute "coordinate_reference_frame" forbidden</file_error>
<file_error>The optional variable "PRES" is not correct: attribut "coordinate_reference_frame" forbidden</file_error>
<file_error>The value of the attribute of variable "PRES_ADJUSTED:axis" is not correct: "Z" expected</file_error>