💼 Data Scientist/Team Lead at Genzeon: Leading the GenAI Team in Healthcare Product Engineering.
🔍 Exploring LLMs Sphere: Surfin’ the GenAI Waves | In Full LLM Gear ⚙️ (AI/ML)
🌐 Founder of GradStellar: Guiding juniors in AI & running AI/ML Bootcamps.
🧠 AI Innovator: Combining technology with problem-solving in AI, NLP, and GenAI.
🏗️ Healthcare Solutions: Creating POCs and full-fledged products, handling on-premise and cloud challenges.
💬 Feel free to ignite conversations on Data Science, LLM, Python, Flask, or any topic you're passionate about.
📫 Connect with me via email for insightful discussions and collaborative endeavors. ✉️