Archipelago 0.2.3
Rogue Legacy
- New Randomizer by @ThePhar
- Setup instructions at the guides section at
- Move 3 transition chests over to Gyre Archives flag required [@JarnoWesthof]
- Logic fixes [@JarnoWesthof, @powerlord]
- Add Lore Checks [@TriumphantBass]
A Link to the Past
- Add "Start With" option to all 4 ALTTP dungeon item types [@Alchav]
- Otherworldy items in shop slots now scale their price by potential importance [@Alchav]
- A logically relevant item will typically cost more than what's considered junk
- New Option: shop price modifier, Set shop slot items from 0% to 400% price. [@Alchav]
- Fix a crash when using shared ER layouts [@Berserker66]
- "Dark World Shop" is now named "Village of Outcasts Shop" [@Berserker66]
- warning: the inside door, outside door, shop and logical region now all share name.
Ocarina of Time
- Disabled defunct mixed entrance pools and decoupled entrances options [@espeon65536]
- Fix an OoTAdjuster crash [@espeon65536, @Berserker66]
- Crash fix for some starting items [@espeon65536]
Super Metroid
- if random starting location picks an impossible option for current other options, pick default starting location instead [@lordlou]
- added Nothing and NoEnergy to hint blacklist [@lordlou]
- added NoEnergy to enforced local items [@lordlou]
- improved Options documentation [@Berserker66]
- Make item fill more robust to small location pools [@wbhumphrey]
- Fix triggers affecting multiple players when those players share one yaml file [@black-sliver]
- Allow meta to work correctly with multiple games present [@Berserker66]
- progression balancing and accessibility can now be set in both root and per-game. If present, the per-game option will override the root default. [@Berserker66]
- use absolute paths when starting SNI [@N00byKing]
- this works better on some Operating Systems
- make the SNI executable finder a bit smarter [@Berserker66]
- LttP Setup now points to SNC instead of deprecated Z3 Client [@alwaysintreble]
- Plando Guide's Timespinner sesction capitalization fix [@wafflesoup]
- Updates to Timespinner guide [@JarnoWesthof]
- Super Metroid guide no longer points to deprecated Super Metroid Client, now instructing for SNIClient instead [@ScipioWright]
WebHost (
- List all players in Room, regardless of downloads needed. [@Ijwu]
- In a table.
- Supported Games are now alphabetically sorted [@Berserker66]
- WebHost should be a bit smarter in detecting zip files as such [@Berserker66]
- Download links are now flagged as such to improve some browsers' handling of them [@Grrmo]
Full Changelog: 0.2.2...0.2.3