Archipelago 0.2.0
- Archipelago now allows you to connect multiple people to the same world and will automatically facilitate coop [@Berserker66]
- Nature of Coop depends on game;
- Factorio, Minecraft, Subnautica, Slay the Spire and Risk of Rain 2 are "remote items" games, meaning every item picked up will always be sent, if it's the first time that location is checked.
- All other games, will not award your own items from your own world and you will have to pick them up individually.
Super Metroid
- Based on the existing randomizer (2021/08/02 release) by
- Uses base patch project by @lordlou which includes a modified version of multiworld communication patch by
- Archipelago Adaptation by @lordlou
- Playable via either the included SNIClient or SuperMetroidClient by @LegendaryLinux available at
- custom in-game item icons [@Ijwu @lordlou] with SMSpriter [@SolventMercury]
- You can select your options and export them at [@LegendaryLinux, @Berserker66]
- Has Deathlink support [@lordlou]
- VARIA Customizer is not supported.
Secret of Evermore
- Based on existing randomizer by @black-sliver
- AP integration also by @black-sliver
- Setup guide at
- Fixed some spelling [@wafflesoup]
- Added WebTracker [@JarnoWesthof]
- logic fixes [@JarnoWesthof]
- Pyramid Keys destination is now spoiler logged [@JarnoWesthof]
A Link to the Past
- Fix TR small key getting shuffled away [@zig-for]
- Finely tuned (%) Bee Trap settings. [@adampziegler]
- LttPClient is gone, replaced by SNIClient, which also runs Super Metroid [@lordlou, @Berserker66]
- Updated guide [@LegendaryLinux]
- Some Advancements were recategorized by difficulty pools [@espeon65536]
- Prevent more egg shards required than placed [@espeon65536]
Ocarina of Time
- added Entrance Randomizer support [@espeon65536]
- fix !getitem command [@espeon65536]
- New logic trick: Skip King Zora as Adult with Nothing [@espeon65536]
- Fixed bug where generation would crash if hints were off [@espeon65536]
- Now has an install guide [@Berserker66]
- Fixed some connect issues in the client [@Berserker66, @Ijwu]
- Additional meaningful error messages for common mistakes were added to the Client [@Berserker66]
- Coop-sync researched technologies [@Berserker66]
- Recipe crawler now uses lowest "energy" cost [@CaitSith2]
- Added explicit compatibility to "science-not-invited" mod [@CaitSith2]
- share the pain!
- DeathLink is a new feature that many games support, where if one player in this link dies, everyone else does as well.
- Added to:
- Factorio [@Berserker66]
- A Link to the Past [@Berserker66, @CaitSith2]
- Super Metroid [@lordlou]
- Ocarina of Time [@espeon65536, @LegendaryLinux]
- Coming soon to:
- Risk of Rain 2 via a client update
- Minecraft, probably in 0.2.1
- Timespinner via a client update
TextClient, FactorioClient, SNIClient
- Many improvements to its UI: [@Berserker66]
- Added a Server connect bar
- Added a Location checks % progress bar under the Server connect Bar
- Hover over Server on the connect bar to get current connect, hint and status info
- Title Bar now lists own version and the server's version you're connected to - if you are.
- Clicking the Commands label prints /help listing
- TextClient no longer has the pane selection, as there is only one panel
- SNIClient now warns if it finds qusb2snes on the other end, as it often leads to errors.
- Now allows <= 64 MB uploads, as games like OoT are big. [@Berserker66]
- Added Info page to Minecraft and Super Metroid [@LegendaryLinux]
- New command !collect, which pulls all your items across the multiworld to you. [@Berserker66]
- Typically used in conjunction with forfeit and/or coop.
- Some games, for example Factorio, can remove the now no longer needed items from their world. In this example a Factorio player will no longer need to research technologies that go to a player that already finished.
- New command !status, which lists checks count done, amount of current connections to that world and if that player has reached their goal. Utility mostly aimed at Coop.
- Created a general triggers and plando guide for Archipelago. [@alwaysintreble]
- TextClient can now connect alongside your main client connection [@Berserker66]
- Trackers can now connect alongside your main client connection [@Berserker66]
- No compatible Auto Trackers quite yet.
- Your .yaml can now have additional triggers in a game section that trigger after the root triggers and after your game is selected [@Berserker66]
- Logging improvements, as well as a new Generate log in /logs [@Berserker66]
- Verify starting inventory before generation to provide better user feedback [@Berserker66]
- You can create a yaml with game "Archipelago" and connect to that slot via TextClient to chat and see the items sending.
- The 255 World limit has been removed.
This list is user focused and does not list many developer aimed changes. You can find those in:
Full Changelog: 0.1.9...0.2.0