I am Taqi, a seasoned software developer with more than eight years of diverse experience. Over the past four years, I have specialized in cloud and DevOps technologies. As a certified AWS Developer, I've honed my skills in writing Infrastructure as Code (IaC) using Terraform. In my spare time, I enjoy reading about and conducting proof of concept (PoC) studies on Blockchain, System Design, and Distributed Systems.
- erc404-nftmarketplace - Build a Semi-Fungible ERC404 Tokens' Marketplace
- tf-project-structure - Terraform Project Structure with Multi enviornment and CICD with Github Actions.
- terraform-alb - Managing Application Load Balancer (ALB) Traffic routes with Terraform
- tf-aws-cloudtrail - Provisioning AWS CloudTrail using Terraform
You can find me on github, or twitter. You can also message me at telegram.