[U.S. Robotics Corporation] is a reference to the fictional company U.S. Robots and Mechanical Men which featured prominently in the works of Isaac Asimov. ref
[Sirius Cybernetics Corporation] is not known for the quality of their products, and almost all of their known inventions are faulty. ref
This project is an experiment to teach myself practical DSP algorithm implementation. The eventual goal is to implement a pure-software V.everything ISP modem (including V.90) that speaks SIP/RTP directly at a software PBX and ATA (no ISDN or legacy telco tech required).
Currently only V.21 and V.23 (AFSK) work. Automode and call supervision all need a complete rewrite.
V.8 works, but the modem being tested with doesn't negotiate V.21/V.23 via V.8.