Programming attribute-based communication in Erlang
AErlang is a middleware and an extension of Erlang concurrent constructs for enabling Input and Output actions of the AbC process calculus ( in Erlang programs.
- attribute environment: in an AbC system, components are equipped with a set of attributes describing some interesting aspects that they want to expose to each other. Attributes have specific values that depends on the system to be modelled.
- attribute-based send: A send is decorated with a predicate over attributes of partners, which allows dynamic selecting the group of partners at the communication time.
- attribute-based receive: Similarly, a predicate at receiver side can be used to filter out uninteresting senders.
- rebar tool (if you are using Mac OSx:
- Erlang OTP >= 18
At the top-level directory: rebar compile
Start erl passing the path to ebin/ directory of aerl:
erl -pa aerl/ebin
Start aerl:
This will start mnesia first and then components process registry, message broker
AErlang processes are normal Erlang one but they need an attribute environment in the form of either a proper list or a map, for example:
Env = [{'Color', red},{'Role', explorer},{'Battery', 30}].
Each process needs to register their information by calling function register/1:
Registration can also be done by other process invoking function register/2:
Processes can handle their attribute environment via setter and getter functions:
where TupleList has the similar form to Environment: [{'Attribute1', Value1},....].
Attributes are Erlang atoms Attribute values can be one of the followings data types: atom(), number(), list()
In general, predicates are boolean expressions over attributes.
In the module that you are going to use attribute-based primitives, you include the aerlang transformation module:
-compile({parse_transform, aerl_trans}).
In the code, one process can send with predicates over attributes of registrated processes!. For example:
Predicate = "battery > 30",
to(Predicate) ! Msg
That means, send the message Msg to all processes whose attributes satisfy the predicate Predicate. Predicates can be over user's variables using a prefix symbol $, provided that variables are declared in the same scope with predicates, e.g.,:
X = 30,
Ps = "battery > $X",
to(Ps) ! content.
You can declare a Predicate before Erlang receive construct. And use it to filter out all senders do not satisfy the predicate:
Predicate = "color = red and battery < 30",
Note that whenever a attribute-based receive is used, "from" must be followed by a "receive" construct.
In this repo, there are aerl programs for stable matching problems. Please visit their folder to see how to run them
aerlang is a prototype, built as a proof-of-concept, for experimenting with ideas of predicate-based message passing.
If you try aerlang and find any problems, please create issues ( so as they could be addressed