Hello and welcome to Apsis Lead REST API. This document includes tutorials and documentation how to use our API.
http://www.apsislead.com is a webbased BI-system that tracks all visitors on your webpage and presents them as prospects. Apsis Lead delivers each visit with company information such as company name, telephone numbers, descision makers etc.
The following information can be recieved from the API
- Visits
- Filter
- Company
- Companystatus
- Settings
- Apikey
- Trigger
- Event
Every endpoint allows GET requests, some endpoints allow POST and UPDATE requests, please look at the end of this document for examples
To be able to make calls to the REST service ones need an API-key. To be able to recieve an API-key you have to be a customer to Apsis Lead. Once a customer you can generate a API-key from the Prospectey client. Go to settings->Addins and klick the API-key generate button.
The REST service have a BASIC authentication with your accountid as username and API-key as password.
It is also possible to make calls to our sandbox account. In order to revieve access to the sandbox just send an email to us support@apsislead.com and asking for access and what you want to try out.
The is currently no limitation on number of calls to our API. We recommend that polling occur once every 5 minutes. If polling exceed this recommendation we have the authority too close your access.
All responses comes with a "Success" attribute that is either true or false. If "Success" is false an error message always present in the attribute "Error".
The REST API supports both JSON and XML. JSON is standard of you dont specify anything else.
example for json response: http://api.apsislead.com/rest/companytype.json
example for xml response: http://api.apsislead.com/rest/companytype.xml
It's possible to get visits in two ways. Either by specifing the first visitid you want to start search from or by specifing a timeframe.
GET http://api.apsislead.com/rest/visits/aftervisit
Params: visitid (int), limit (int), step (int), filterid (int), withpageviews (boolean)
'Success': true,
'visits' : [
'name': 'Company name',
'companytype': 2
'timespent': 1000
GET http://api.apsislead.com/rest/visits/betweendates
Params: startdate (ex 2012-11-03), enddate (date), limit (int), step (int), filterid (int), withpageviews (boolean)
GET http://api.apsislead.com/rest/visits/search
Params: query (ex "ApsisLead AB")
You can also get more details about a visit with visits/details
. Here you will also get all company information
GET http://api.apsislead.com/rest/visits/details/:visitid
Get all filters
GET http://api.apsislead.com/rest/filter
Get a filter by id
GET http://api.apsislead.com/rest/filter/:id
There are 4 kinds of types if triggers
- Email Trigger
- Email Sending
- Webhook
- CRM Trigger
Get all triggers
GET http://api.apsislead.com/rest/trigger
Params: type (integer)
Get a trigger by id
GET http://api.apsislead.com/rest/trigger/:id
Get all events by trigger id
GET http://api.apsislead.com/rest/event/:triggerid
Params: eventid (integer), withpageview (integer 0|1), sortorder ('ASC'|'DESC')
Get a company by companyid that have visited your site
GET http://api.apsislead.com/rest/company/:companyid
or by registerednumber
GET http://api.apsislead.com/rest/company/registerednumber/:registerednumber
There are 6 kinds of statuses on a visitor in Apsis Lead
- Prospect
- Customer
- Partner
- Competitor
- Supplier
- Other
Get all companystatuses
GET http://api.apsislead.com/rest/companytype
Get a companystatus by companyid
GET http://api.apsislead.com/rest/companytype/:companyid
Get a companystatus by registerednumber
GET http://api.apsislead.com/rest/companytype/registerednumber/:registerednumber
Insert new status
POST http://api.apsislead.com/rest/companytype/
Post data:
companyid: 10001,
userid: 10001,
type: 3,
registerednumber: 5512123434 (optional)
Update a companystatus with user and/or type
PUT http://api.apsislead.com/rest/companytype/:companyid
Put data:
userid: 10001,
type: 3
Update a companystatus with user and/or type by registerednumber
PUT http://api.apsislead.com/rest/companytype/registerednumber/:registerednumber
Get settings for user-id
GET http://api.apsislead.com/rest/settings/:userid
Get API-key, accountid and userid with you standard Login
GET http://api.apsislead.com/rest/apikey/
Params: usermail (string), password (string)