This plugin is a Cordova audio recorder plugin that works as API.
Different than this plugin does not request the native recorder app (system default recorder) and active recording manually.
**This is a fork of which support for Android 6.0+ permissions and increases the quality of the iOS recording.
Without the Android 6.0+ permission fix, an error of "setAudioSource failed" occurs when recording is attempted.
This Fork Adds playback controls for stopping and pausing audio.**
- iOS
- Android
var recorder = new Object;
recorder.stop = function() {
window.plugins.audioRecorderAPI.stop(function(msg) {
// success
alert('ok: ' + msg);
}, function(msg) {
// failed
alert('ko: ' + msg);
recorder.record = function() {
window.plugins.audioRecorderAPI.record(function(msg) {
// complete
alert('ok: ' + msg);
}, function(msg) {
// failed
alert('ko: ' + msg);
}, 30); // record 30 seconds
recorder.playback = function() {
window.plugins.audioRecorderAPI.playback(function(msg) {
// complete
alert('ok: ' + msg);
}, function(msg) {
// failed
alert('ko: ' + msg);
recorder.pausePlayback = function() {
window.plugins.audioRecorderAPI.pausePlayback(function(msg) {
// complete
alert('ok: ' + msg);
}, function(msg) {
// failed
alert('ko: ' + msg);
recorder.stopPlayback = function() {
window.plugins.audioRecorderAPI.stopPlayback(function(msg) {
// complete
alert('ok: ' + msg);
}, function(msg) {
// failed
alert('ko: ' + msg);
window.plugins.audioRecorderAPI.dopermissions(function (msg) {
// success
console.log('Audio permissions ok: ' + msg);
}, function (msg) {
// failed
console.error("audioRecorderAPI: permission not granted");
alert("The app needs access to your microphone to function.");
iOS: /var/mobile/Applications/<UUID>/Library/NoCloud/<file-id>.m4a
Android: /data/data/<app-id>/files/<file-id>.m4a
Example with file plugin:
iOS: /var/mobile/Applications/<UUID>/Documents/new_file.m4a
Android: <sdcard>/new_file.m4a
window.plugins.audioRecorderAPI.record(function(savedFilePath) {
var fileName = savedFilePath.split('/')[savedFilePath.split('/').length - 1];
var directory;
if (cordova.file.documentsDirectory) {
directory = cordova.file.documentsDirectory; // for iOS
} else {
directory = cordova.file.externalRootDirectory; // for Android
cordova.file.dataDirectory, fileName,
directory, "new_file.m4a"
.then(function (success) {
}, function (error) {
}, function(msg) {
alert('ko: ' + msg);
}, 3);