DeviceAPI-IOS is the iOS implementation of DeviceAPI - an initiative to allow full automation of device activities. For a full list of release notes, see the change log
DeviceAPI-IOS shells out to a number of iOS command line tools. You will need to make sure that the libimobiledevice library is installed and the following commands are available on your path:
- ideviceinfo
Add the device_api-ios gem to your gemfile - this will automatically bring in the device_api base gem on which the iOS gem is built.
gem 'device_api-ios'
You'll need to require the library in your code:
require 'device_api/ios'
Try connecting an iOS device with USB and run:
devices = DeviceAPI::IOS.devices
You might need to accept the 'Trust this computer' dialog on your device.
There are two methods for detecting devices: DeviceAPI::IOS.devices This returns an array of objects representing the connected devices. You will get an empty array if there are no connected devices. DeviceAPI::IOS.device(serial_id) This looks for a device with a matching serial_id and returns a single device object.
When DeviceAPI detects a device, it returns a device object that lets you interact with and query the device with various iOS tools.
For example:
device = DeviceAPI::IOS.device(serial_id)
device.serial # '50d9299992726df277bg6befdf88e1704f4f8f8b'
device.model # 'iPad mini 3'
DeviceAPI-IOS is available to everyone under the terms of the MIT open source licence. Take a look at the LICENSE file in the code.
Copyright (c) 2015 BBC