⚠️ Pushed to main
- fix(github action): test automation NPM token (@iacopolea)
- fix(github action): do not use yarn (@iacopolea)
- fix(github action): ignore yarn lock file (@iacopolea)
- feat(github action): ignore dist files (@iacopolea)
- feat(github action): add meta data to package json (@iacopolea)
- feat(github action): add github token (@iacopolea)
- feat(github action): add npmrc (@iacopolea)
- feat(Text): add text align (@iacopolea)
- fix(github action): use npm token from secrets (@iacopolea)
- fix(github action): update action node version (@iacopolea)
- package json (@iacopolea)
- downgrade node version and cancel package json (@iacopolea)
- update node version (@iacopolea)
- feature github action release on push on main branch (@iacopolea)
Authors: 1
- Iacopo Leardini (@iacopolea)