- Have a valid IOL account.
- Have access to IOL API. (Send an email to IOL Support requesting for the API access).
- NodeJS installed
npm i iol-api-node-wrapper
yarn add iol-api-node-wrapper
const { IolClient } = require("iol-api-node-wrapper");
// Initialize client with config
const config = {
url: "https://api.invertironline.com",
password: <your IOL password>,
username: <your IOL username>,
const iol = new IolClient(config);
async function main() {
const account = await iol.getAccountStatus();
Once a new IolClient object has been instantiated with authentication data, authentication is managed internally by the library and there is no need to request a new access-token
every time you call the API. IolClient uses IOL's refresh-token
to request a new access-token
if the current one has expired.
This project is written in typescript and we are trying to type not only the wrapper interface methods but also IOL's API responses models. This makes it a lot easier to work with the wrapper response object as it has editor's (VSCode) intellisense features enhanced by typescript. If you don't use VSCode which has already typescript support, you can easily install typescript in your project or globally in your system.
// GET /api/v2/portafolio/{pais}
await iol.getPortfolio("argentina");
// GET /api/v2/estadocuenta
await iol.getAccountStatus();
// GET /api/v2/operaciones/{numero}
await iol.getOperation(1234);
// GET /api/v2/operaciones
await iol.getOperations({
estado: "pendientes",
fechaDesde: new Date(new Date().setDate(10)).toString(),
fechaHasta: new Date(new Date().setDate(15)).toString(),
numero: 1234,
pais: "argentina",
// DELETE /api/v2/operaciones/{numero}
await iol.deleteOperation(1234);
// POST /api/v2/operar/Comprar
await iol.buy({
mercado: "bCBA",
plazo: "t0",
precio: 123,
simbolo: "GGAL",
validez: new Date(),
// POST /api/v2/operar/Vender
await iol.sell({
mercado: "bCBA",
plazo: "t0",
precio: 123,
cantidad: 1,
simbolo: "GGAL",
validez: new Date(new Date().setDate(20)),
// POST /api/v2/operar/suscripcion/fci
await iol.fciSubscription({ monto: 123, simbolo: "CRTAFAA" });
// POST /api/v2/operar/rescate/fci
await iol.fciRescue({ cantidad: 1, simbolo: "CRTAFAA" });
// GET /api/v2/{Mercado}/Titulos/{Simbolo}/Cotizacion
await iol.getPrice("rOFX", "DLR102021");
// GET /api/v2/{Mercado}/Titulos/{Simbolo}/Opciones
await iol.getOptions("bCBA", "GGAL");
// GET /api/v2/Titulos/FCI/{simbolo}
await iol.getFCI("CRTAFAA");
// GET /api/v2/Titulos/FCI
await iol.getAllFCI();
//GET /api/v2/Cotizaciones/{Instrumento}/{Panel}/{Pais}
await iol.getQuotes("opciones", "calls", "argentina");
⬜️ GET /api/v2/asesores/test-inversor
⬜️ POST /api/v2/asesores/test-inversor/{idClienteAsesorado}
✅ GET /api/v2/estadocuenta
✅ GET /api/v2/portafolio/{pais}
✅ DELETE /api/v2/operaciones/{numero}
✅ GET /api/v2/operaciones/{numero}
✅ GET /api/v2/operaciones
✅ POST /api/v2/operar/Vender
✅ POST /api/v2/operar/Comprar
✅ POST /api/v2/operar/rescate/fci
✅ POST /api/v2/operar/suscripcion/fci
✅ GET /api/v2/Titulos/FCI
✅ GET /api/v2/Titulos/FCI/{simbolo}
⬜️ GET /api/v2/Titulos/FCI/TipoFondos
⬜️ GET /api/v2/Titulos/FCI/Administradoras
⬜️ GET /api/v2/{mercado}/Titulos/{simbolo}
✅ GET /api/v2/{mercado}/Titulos/{simbolo}/Opciones
⬜️ GET /api/v2/{pais}/Titulos/Cotizacion/Instrumentos
✅ GET /api/v2/Cotizaciones/{Instrumento}/{Panel}/{Pais}
⬜️ GET /api/v2/{pais}/Titulos/Cotizacion/Paneles/{instrumento}
✅ GET /api/v2/{Mercado}/Titulos/{Simbolo}/Cotizacion
⬜️ GET /api/v2/Titulos/FCI/Administradoras/{administradora}/TipoFondos
⬜️ GET /api/v2/Titulos/FCI/Administradoras/{administradora}/TipoFondos/{tipoFondo}
⬜️ GET /api/v2/{mercado}/Titulos/{simbolo}/Cotizacion/seriehistorica/{fechaDesde}/{fechaHasta}/{ajustada}