✨ I am passionate backend & frontend developer from France. I love sharing my knowledge with others, and i do that through some repositories and open source participations. I am currently CEO of Site-nGo agency and specialized in TYPO3 and Symfony projects.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on : TYPO3 & Symfony project
- 💬 Ask me about : TYPO3, Symfony, NodeJs, Vue
- 📫 How to reach me : cerdanyohann@gmail.com
- ⚡ Fun fact : I envoy develop some app for video games i play
- Symfony
- A lot of tools :-) PHPUnit, phpstan, rector, blackfire, etc...
- TypeScript
- Vue.js
- Vuex
- Nuxt.js
- Vue-i18n
- NodeJs
- Express
- Babel
- Webpack