BARD - ebook reader of *.txt, *.epub, *(x)html files (with Text-To-Speech synthesis via flite
This is a reproducible build from upstream src (see README under "CROSS-COMPILATION (MIYOOCFW)" paragraph), with:
- updated input bindings (see file for usage)
- default search dir set to /mnt/books/ (through gmenu2x link setting)
- currently comes only with english speakers staticly linked to binary itself
- these are shared builds
, please choose appropiate libc implementation - to install run IPK pkg from latest gmenu2x's explorer (available in MiyooCFW 2.0)
- requires MiyooCFW version BETAv3-Dev_build-n29 (nightly) at least or plain BETAv3 (release - whenever it's ready!)