Just a simple small tool to help with dataset gathering. Google Web Store is taking too long to approve extension, so im releasing it as is.
Danbooru, Safebooru, Gelbooru, Realbooru, yande.re, chounyuu, e621, tbib, sankakucomplex, rule34, derpibooru, yandex, nozomi, knowyourmeme, pinterest. Like half of those were added as per suggestions on Civitai discord, so, feel free to ask for your favorite sites that are not covered yet.
Google approved extension, so you also can get it from official store page - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/cherryscraper/dmgibfaenicepbmjcbejibgbaohfkido?hl=en-GB&authuser=0
(Google - up to date, pushed v2.1)
Firefox did approve too! - https://addons.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/addon/cherryscraper/
(old, v1, no automatic mode)
V2.1.5 - more sites: metmuseum(because i needed cartography stuff), civitai(cuz yes), and function for generic site scraping(which totally is not a civitai function copy), that you should be able to use for sites that follow a structure of gallery which you can open single images on.
V2.1 - some more sites, like KnowYourMeme, are supported.
V2 - automatic mode! Now you can choose to only open page with image you're interested in, and it will get downloaded.
V1 - it works, download works with press of "c", while you're on image page.
Chrome - Open Chrome, navigate to extension tab, turn on developer mode, add unpackaged extension.
Firefox - google how to add temporary extension, i actually forgor ;-;
It is written with GPT4, i am not really much of a coder. If site that you like to use is not supported, please leave a request for it to be added and i'll try.