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Anyline is a mobile OCR SDK, which you can configure to scan various kinds of numbers, characters, text and codes.
The Example App provides many preconfigured modules to showcase the many capabilities of the Anyline SDK.
You can find the latest release notes in our online documentation: https://documentation.anyline.com/ios-sdk-component/latest/release-notes.html
A list of the currently known-limitations can be found here.
If you'd like to clone the repository you will have to use git-lfs. Use the following commands to install git-lfs:
brew install git-lfs
git lfs install
If you prefer downloading a package, use the provided zip
package on the Releases page. Please note that Github's "Download ZIP" button does not work for projects with git-lfs
Simply add pod 'Anyline'
to your Podfile and run pod install
or pod update
. (Please make sure you are on the latest version of CocoaPods.)
You’re all done and can jump to point 3 (Set Linker Flags).
Simply drag & drop Anyline.xcframework & AnylineResources.bundle into your project tree.
In the import screen select Copy items if needed and Create groups and add the files to your target.
Starting with version 40, we are officially supporting Swift Package Manager (Xcode 11 or later required).
To use, click on File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency, and enter https://github.com/Anyline/anyline-ocr-spm-module.git in the search box.
If you are a framework author relying on Anyline SDK as a dependency, edit your Package.swift to add the dependency as follows:
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/Anyline/anyline-ocr-spm-module.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "40.0.0"))
Please make sure that the URL is https://github.com/Anyline/anyline-ocr-spm-module.git, instead of https://github.com/Anyline/anyline-ocr-examples-ios.git.
Go to your project inspector and open the Build Phases tab. First, add the following libraries to Link Binary With Libraries:
- libc++.tbd
- libz.tbd
Next, locate the Embed Frameworks build phase and drag Anyline.xcframework from the project navigator into it. Ensure that "Code Sign on Copy" is checked. (If no Embed Frameworks build phase is found, add a Copy Files phase to the target and set Destination to "Frameworks".)
After adding the libraries, the Build Phases tab for the app target should look like this:
In your project inspector, switch to the Build Settings tab and search for Other Linker Flags. Select "Other > Other Linker Flags" and add -ObjC
. This flag causes the linker to load every object file in the library that defines an Objective-C class or category.
To use Anyline, Bitcode needs to be disabled. Simply set the Enable Bitcode build setting to No.
Apple Documentation on Bitcode
Now you need to create and configure a scan plugin to your needs, and set it to a scan view on a view hierarchy of your choice. A quick example can be found in https://documentation.anyline.com/ios-sdk-component/latest/the-anyline-sdk.html.
Each scan plugin can be configured to suit nearly every possible scenario you can think of, so please make sure to check out our documentation page on Plugins to find more detailed information.
Try and run our code examples here: Anyline Examples
Detailed information about how to configure and implement Anyline: Documentation
IMPORTANT: Before running the example app, replace the string defined in kDemoAppLicenseKey
(in ALAppDemoLicenses.h) with a valid license key. To find out how to obtain a license key, see License.
We don't actively monitor the Github Issues, so please raise a support request using the Anyline Helpdesk.
When raising a support request based on this Github Issue, please fill out and include the following information:
Support request concerning Anyline Github Repository: anyline-ocr-examples-ios
Thank you!
To claim a free developer / trial license, go to: Anyline SDK Register Form
For further details, see LICENSE file.