First clone the project and create a new virtual env, then install all the modules using the requirements.txt file.
All the urls will start with "<app_name>/<function_name>".
Uncomment your app's url in learning's file.
Add app_name='<app_name>' in each of your file after importing all the required modules.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all schools are closed suddenly leaving Mrs. Ojha wondering how she is going to improve the Math skills of her mischievous son Ash Jr. who is presently in class 2 and refuses to study at home. She tried hard to make him follow the online classes of his school teacher, but all her efforts were futile. Help Mrs. Ojha by designing an adaptive learning application that will help Ash Jr. to learn different topics in an engaging, playful, and interactive manner.
• Reward and Recognition System :
In order to make learning joyful for the students, a reward and recognition system can be made. The recognition system traces the time spent by the student on the portal and their consistency in solving problems to award them with virtual coins and badges. The coins can then be used to redeem certain benefits from teachers like extra computer time, free chocolates etc, and a leader board of students on the basis of coins and badges can also be prepared.
• Discussion Forum :
- Login and signup features for both students and teachers with email-verification. - Feature of Reset password with a registered mail-id. - Interactive Teacher's Dashboard and Student's Dashboard. - Reward and Recognition System * Implemented through a discussion Forum, with an upvote system and coins allotment as a reward . We have also maintained a leaderboard to help identify the worthy candidate for a future discount. - Discussion Forum - Implemented recommender system (did not integrate to the website).
- Implement Chatbot to enhance the interactivity of the website. (assemble it with the recommender system, to enhance the User experience). - Implement a payment subroutine, so that a teacher can make a course paid if he/she wills to do so. - Discount system : special discount to the students with a higher position on the leaderboard.
- Python. - Django. - HTML. - CSS. - Bootstrap. - Sqlite3 - Recommender System via KNN. - Web scrapping Using Selenium.