Our app, The Safety Hut gives is an app which will help women who are undergoing domestic violence. The basic theme of our app is to provide immediate and urgent and provides many more features.
The features which our app provides is :
- It will provide you information about DOMESTIC VIOLENCE and what it really is. Many women are indiiferent of what it even means. This will aware them about it.
- Our app also provides the rules and regulation. Women should be aware of what laws are being made to safeguard them.
- This app provides two logins. One for the user and other for the authorities, which will provide help.
- On pressing the SOS button, live location will be sent to the authorities on their device.
- The temporary login we have created is
email: admin@admin.com password: anushka123
Whenever the user presses the SOS button the position coordinates of the user are sent to this id. - For user login, you can create an account by signing up.