Releases: AntoineThebaud/Reworkbench
Releases · AntoineThebaud/Reworkbench
Compatibility : Minecraft 1.20 to 1.20.1
General (cross-category)
- Bamboo items & signs
- Cherry blocks, items & signs
- Diamond, gold & iron leggings: small rework of the look with knee pads
- Diamond & gold leggings: rework to make them look more shiny
- Gold armors & tools: reworked the shade to make them less greenish
- Nether wart
- Netherite tools & armors: adapt to new armor trims by removing the diamond parts
- Armor trims
- Brush
- Diamond: rework to make it look more shiny
- Empty slots
- Hanging signs
- Music disk Relic
- Nether quartz: new texture based on the new default one
- Pottery Sherds
- Smithing templates
- Horse armors: new textures based on the new default ones
- All armors: adjusted the shape of the chest to look less "heavy" at waist level
- Adapted smithing table interface to new layout
- Removed custom Minecraft title
- Removed custom sky color
- Bumped pack format to
Compatibility : Minecraft 1.19.4
Bug fixes:
- Frozen health bar has now a proper texture.
- Fixed items outlines on horse container interface.
New textures:
- New block & item textures for glowing item frame.
- Small rework of standard item frame.
Compatibility : Minecraft 1.19.4
New textures:
- GUI: new textures for the sliders & the background on "Create New World" screen.
Compatibility : Minecraft 1.19.3
New textures:
- GUI: creative inventory texture adjusted to the new layout
- GUI: put (back) a different appearance for hardcore's health bar.
Compatibility: Minecraft 1.19 to 1.19.2
New textures:
- Blocks: Cobbled deepslate (alternative textures), Deepslate (alternative textures), Mangrove blocks
- Items: Bucket of Tadpole, Chest boats, Echo shard, Mangrove items, Music disk 5 + fragment, Music disk Otherside, Recovery compass, Spy glass
- Fix on cocoa_stage2 texture
Compatibility : Minecraft 1.19 to 1.19.2
change only.
Compatibility : Minecraft 1.18
New textures :
- Blocks : small adjustments to crimson & warped stems
Compatibility : Minecraft 1.17
New textures :
- Blocks : all ores (based on the new default ones)
- Items : Amethyst Shard, Bucket of Axolotl, Candles, Copper Ingot, Glow Berries, Glow Ink Sac, Powder Snow Bucket, Raw Iron, Raw Copper, Raw Gold
Other :
- Snowball : small shade adjustment
Compatibility : Minecraft 1.16.2 to 1.16.5
New textures :
- Blocks : acacia-related textures, allium, azure bluet, barrel, beetroot stages, birch log, blue orchid, bone block, brown mushroom, cobblestone, coarse_dirt, cornflower dandelion, dark oak door, dark oak log, dark oak trap door, dirt, dirt podzol, fern, furnace (animated), jungle log, lilac, lily of the valley, magma, netherite-related textures, oak door, oak log, oxeye daisy, peony, planks, poppy, quartz ore, red mushroom, red mushroom block, rose bush, spruce door, spruce log, spruce trap door, stripped logs, tulips, wheat
- Entities : acacia sign, chicken (alternative skins), cows (alternative skins), creeper (alternative skins), iron golem crackiness, skeleton (alternative skins)
- Environment : moon phases, light map
- GUI : - Effects/Buffs's background, Effects/Buffs's (some of the) icons, Advancements GUI, Alchemy GUI
- Items : acacia-related textures, apple, banner pattern, bell, beetroot seeds, blaze powder (animated), boats, campfire, chorus fruit, crimson door, crossbow, discs, elytra, firework star, glistering melon slice, golden horse armor, heart of the sea, kelp, lead, leather horse armor, nautilus shell, nether star, netherite-related textures, phantom membrane, popped chorus fruit, prismarine crystals, prismarine shards, shulker shell, suspicious stew, totem of undying, trident, turtle helmet, warped door, warped fungus on a stick,
- Models : netherite-related textures
Other :
- removed following textures : brown mushroom block, end stone, glass, mushroom block inside, mushroom stem, sandstone
- bugfix on beacon GUI