Game Nexus is an online game catalogue that allows users to explore, track, and get personalized game recommendations using advanced vector-based similarity matching. The platform is built technologies like Next.js 15, Prisma, Neon PostgreSQL, GraphQL, and OpenAI embeddings to deliver fast and accurate recommendations.
- User authentication with NextAuth v5
- Personalized game recommendations based on user-owned games
- Integration with RAWG API for game data
- Vector-based AI recommendations using OpenAI embeddings
- GraphQL API for flexible data querying
- Admin tools for managing the game database and embeddings
- Frontend: Next.js 15, ShadCN UI
- Backend: GraphQL, Apollo Server
- Database: Neon PostgreSQL, Prisma ORM
- AI: OpenAI Embeddings
- Hosting: Vercel
- Node.js 18+
- PostgreSQL (Neon recommended)
- RAWG API Key (Get yours here)
- OpenAI API Key (Get yours here)
- Clone the repository:
git clone cd game-nexus
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Set up environment variables: Create a .env file in the root directory and add the variables from .env.example
- Set up the database:
npx prisma db push
- Add vector support for neon
In the neon project page, execute: