This information has been collected from all over the Internet and their accuracy has been checked. The images of the people you see in the above source have participated in the cyber attacks organized by the Islamic Republic of Iran in the interests of the United States of America. Reduce them and end their destructive activities.
- Farzin Karimi Marzeghan Chi (@FarzinEnddo)
- Milad Kheirkhah (@Milad_Hacking)
- Masoud Aghdasifam (@amasoudfam)
- Ghader Ahmadi (@gh4d3r)
- Mohammad Farhadzadeh (@iamfarhadzadeh)
- Bagher Hosseini (@seyyid)
The cyber operations in which these people participated
#APT33 - #OilRig - #APT34 - #APT39
What organizations did these people work for?
1.Islamic revolution guards corps.
2.Ministry of Intelligence of the Islamic Republic of Iran.