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Hi! Welcome to my labo.

This is a very small Nodejs api to manage Hockey team.

I programed this project to discover Fastify and TypeORM.

Note: I took my inspiration by a test created by Maplr:


  • Nodejs
  • Typescript
  • Fastify
  • TypeORM
  • Postgress
  • Jest
  • Docker-compose

Getting Started


  • Nodejs (17.0.1)
  • Yarn (1.22.17) or npm
  • Docker (20.10.10)
  • Docker-compose (2.1.1)

(Version numbers are just my versions)

Run project on your computer

You just need to follow next commands to run the api on your computer.

Run a postgres server in a docker container

docker-compose up -d

Install nodejs dependencies


Run the api (watch mode)

yarn dev

Run tests (needs to up postgres server for integration tests)

yarn test

Run linter

yarn lint



You can find some integration/e2e tests on __tests__integration/api. To execute them, it's required to start a postgres database server. It's possible to start it with docker-compose up -d. I like this kind of test because I can easly change my code architecture without changing my tests. They are integration tests and functionnal tests too. Now my code base is established, I can easly play with the code architecture and change it with security of my functionnal tests...

Code architecture

I didn't take time to make a great architecture. A lot of business code should not be in controllers for example.

List of possible improvements

  • Create more DTO and mappers to map DTO to entities
  • Move business code into service layer. No in controllers
  • Add a fastify plugin to automatically import plugins and controllers
  • Add a fastify plugin to add Swagger documentation


Anthony Godin