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This is a simple package based on async that allows you to use a function like withAsync called runThreads, but instead of a single child thread that is tied to the calling thread, the calling thread can arbitrarily start new threads in the main action of runThreads, but are automatically cancelled when the main action of runThreads ends.


Both Linked and Pooled versions have the same interface, but have different underlying implementations. At the moment, the Pooled version seems to be more memory-efficient.


Note: This example is meant to show usage, not purpose. This package is generally used more for when threads are arbitrarily created and cancelled throught the running of the main thread.

main :: IO ()
main = do
  tq1 <- newTQueueIO
  tq2 <- newTQueueIO
  src <- ...
  runThreads $ \thdMgr -> do
    asy1 <- startThread thdMgr (stdinThread tq1)
    asy2 <- startThread thdMgr (otherInThread src tq1)
    asy3 <- startThread thdMgr (modifyThread tq1 tq2 reverse)
    withFile "output.txt" AppendMode $ \hnd -> forever $ do
      str <- atomically $ readTQueue tq2
      hPutStrLn hnd str

-- | Take lines from the user and write them to a queue
stdinThread :: TQueue String -> IO ()
stdinThread tq = forever $ do
  str <- getLine
  atomically $ writeTQueue tq str

-- | A different source of strings for the queue.
otherInThread :: ... -> TQueue String -> IO ()
otherInThread ... tq = forever $ do
  str <- ...
  atomically $ writeTQueue tq str

-- | Take strings from one queue, modify them somehow, and
-- write them to a second queue.
modifyThread :: TQueue String -> TQueue String -> (String -> String) -> IO ()
modifyThread tqIn tqOut f = forever $ atomically $ do
  str <- readTQueue tqIn
  writeTQueue tqOut (f str)


This package is in a very early state, and may not be ready for usage. It is more for my own usage and learning.


Start async threads that are automatically cancelled.







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