I'm a Discord Bot Developer and here is my Discord Music bot.Thanks for using this Music bot, please give a star and credit me.
A discord music bot with many commands, buttons, 24/7, autresume, etc.
1. Install Node.js v16.9.0 or higher.
2. Download this repo and unzip it or git clone it.
3. Fill up everything in settings/config.js
4. Install all dependencies by typing npm install
in the shell.
5. Start the bot with node index.js
- Easy to use and setup
- Support Youtube, Spotify, Soundcloud and 700+ websites
- Support for slash and message commands
- Stable and up to date with discord.js v14
- Support for 24/7 in voice channels
- Support for autoresume system
- Support for music request channel system
- Support for filters
- Support for DJ system
- Works on replit and others vps.
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at our Discord Server.
Distributed under the MIT License.