This project demonstrates how to perform API testing using Rest Assured on the given API collection. The collection consists of various endpoints to interact with a payment system.
Do following steps from Dmoney API collection
- Do Login by admin
- Create 2 new customers and a agent
- Give 2000 tk from System account to the newly created agent
- Deposit 1500 tk to a customer from the agent account
- Withdraw 500 tk by the customer to the agent
- Send money 500 tk to another customer
- Payment 100 tk to any merchant (e.g. 01686606905) by the recipient customer
- Check balance of the recipient customer
- clone this project
- open this project in intellij idea.
- hit this command in terminal - "gradle clean test"
- To generate allure report hit these command in terminal
- "allure generate allure-results --clean -output"
- "allure serve allure-results"
- Intellij
- Jdk-11
- Allure
- Rest Assured
- JUnit
- TestNG