This repository contains the example test project
for the Hands-On Web UI Testing with Python webinar
delivered by SmartBear in collaboration with Automation Panda
on August 14, 2019.
The webinar slides are saved in this repository as webinar-slides.pdf
This project requires Python 3.
To set up the Python environment and install dependencies, run:
> pip install pipenv
> pipenv install
You will need a CrossBrowserTesting license to run the tests in this project.
You can obtain a trial license from
Add your username and authentication key to cbt_config.json
To run tests, run the following command from the project's root directory:
> pipenv run python -m pytest
The terminal will print the pytest banner. Be patient - tests may take a few seconds to complete. You can also check results on the CrossBrowserTesting website.
This project can be the starting point for more testing. Try writing new tests on your own! Here are some ideas for additional DuckDuckGo tests:
- use different search phrases
- click a search result
- do an image search
- do a video search
You can also try to write tests for other Web apps!
- CrossBrowserTesting website
- Automation Panda blog
- Hands-On Web UI Testing PyOhio 2019 tutorial
- Test Automation University courses