SuperLog is a simple lightweight & customizable asynchronous logging plugin.
- Support all bukkit versions;
- Language: fully customizable language, write your own format for logs...
- Configuration: easy to use, variable friendly, fully documented
- Asynchronous saving: in game playing will not being affected, as the saving processus is on another thread; You have 2 configurations: (save-delay in config.yml)
- Using cache (save log in file after xxx seconds, better and default way)
- Without cache (write in file everytime an event happen; use a bit more ressources)
- Event listener optimizated: the plugin listen only to the events configurated
- Event conditions: log the event only if it respect your conditions (a type of block/entity, a player name...)
- Live alerts for commands used: receive a message ingame when commands are used by players (fully customizable in config)
- Live log listening in game: receive logs for player X directly by message ingame
- Auto-GZip: put logs into compressed GZip files, after X days, configurable.
- Auto-Delete: delete old logs, after X days, configurable.
- Reload supported
- Java 1.8
- Any bukkit based server
For any bug/suggestions: Andross#5254