A test app that uses the Authorization Code Flow (Standard Flow in Keycloak terms) It:
- sets up a simple http server
- requests a code from the keycloak server
- exchanges the code for an access token
- prints the access token
- decodes the access token
- PORT: The port on which your app server will be running/listening to for requests
- BASE_URL: The KeyCloak server url (i.e. https://keycloak)
- CLIENT_ID: The client id of the client in KeyCloak
- REALM_NAME: The name of the KeyCloak realm where the client exists
- APP_URL: The URL that is used to access the current app (needed for a redirect URL in the token request). Note that it should be the same as the root URL configured in the KeyCloak client
Build the image (go to the directory where the dockerfile is located):
sudo docker build -t IMAGE-NAME .
Create and run container:
sudo docker run -it --rm -p PORT:PORT --name CONTAINER-NAME IMAGE-NAME
- If the KeyCloak server is accessed by a hostname then either configure DNS or simply add the
--add-host HOSTNAME:IP
option to add one in the container - If you want to start the container in the background replace