This package has been retired. Please use is-affirmative instead, it’s an excellent and actively maintained replacement.
Returns true if a string is tru-ish, that is, yes|y|true|t|on|1|ok, case insensitive
Install with npm
npm i is-true-ish --save
Require is-true-ish
var isTrueIsh = require('is-true-ish');
//=> true
Please report any bugs or feature requests, and consider making a Pull Request, thanks!
Whatever value you'd like to add to the project, we'd love to have your help! If you'd like to take a more active role, get in touch! We'd be happy to help you get started!
- If you find this project useful please consider "starring" it to show your support!
- Find a bug? Have a feature request? Please create an Issue
- In lieu of a formal styleguide please take care to maintain the existing coding style
- Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality
Pull requests are encouraged! This project builds its own documentation, so please remember to build the documentation with Verb before you submit your pull request! Please don't edit the readme or other docs directly, edit their respective templates instead.
To build the docs, first make sure verb-cli is installed globally (npm i -g verb-cli
), then just follow these simple steps:
- Edit the templates in the 'docs/' directory, and/or
- Run
in the command line - Pull request!
Andreas Pizsa
Copyright (c) 2014 Andreas Pizsa, contributors.
Released under the MIT license.
This file was generated by verb-cli on September 21, 2014.