Hi, this repository is a compilation of SQL, Tableau and related projects
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft SQL Server
- SQLite Studio
- PostgreSQL
Number | Project | Description | Topic |
1 | Chinook Data | Chinook represents a database digital media store and includes tables for artists, albums, media tracks, invoices, and customers | Data importing, analysis through SQLite Studio |
2 | City Bike Lanes | Data about city bike lanes and their safety ratings | Table creation, insertion and CTEs. Analysis through SQLite Studio |
3 | Covid Analysis 2021 | Analyze the number of deaths per country, the number of vaccinated, countries with highest infection rate compared to population, etc | Data exploration through Microsoft SQL Server, importing and cleaning data |
4 | Customer & Order Analytics | A database with multiple tables in it to quantify statistics about customer and order data | Data importing , cleaning and analysis through SQLite Studio |
5 | Design a store | Car Store data and includes data for model, color, year and price | Table creation, insertion and calculations. Analysis through SQLite Studio |
6 | Famous people | A database with a small set of singers and their albums | Table creation, insertion and calculations. Analysis through SQLite Studio |
7 | Netflix Data | A database that's holding Netflix data to answer questions about series and movies | Data importing and analysis through PostgreSQL |
8 | Pokemon Data | A database with multiple information about Pokemon statistics | Data importing and analysis through SQLite Studio |
9 | Spotify Data | A database about top 50 most listened songs in the world for year 2021 in Spotify | Table creation, insertion and calculations. Analysis through SQLite Studio |