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Games on Solidity with true randomness


The games were made to demonstrate the possibility of ChainLink nodes and to implement true randomness into the blockchain.

  1. Set up
  2. Games


Number generator

When you deploy this contract, you'll need to pass 3 arguments.

constructor(address _coordinator, uint64 _subscriptionId, bytes32 _keyHash)

coordinator and keyHash can be found on VRF Subscription Manager, values depend on the network you use for deployment. As for subscriptionId you need to Create Subscription and fund it with LINK tokens.

1.1 Approve game contract

To use a number generator from other contracts, you approve a generator for them. Pass the address and true to give or false to take the permit.

function approve(address _contract, bool _isApproved) external

1.2 Use generator

To generate a random number use this function.

function generateRandomNumber() onlyApproved external returns (uint256 requestId)

The function returns the requestId that will be used later to access the random number and check when the Coordinator fulfills the request.

The Coordinator will call a function when the request is fulfilled.

function fulfillRandomWords(uint256 _requestId, uint256[] memory _randomWords) requestExist(_requestId) internal override


event RequestFulfilled(uint256 requestId, uint256 randomNumber)

will be emitted.

1.3 Check request status

function getRequestStatus(uint256 _requestId) requestExist(_requestId) onlyApproved external view returns (bool, uint256)

You can check when request was fulfilled and its random number calling the function.

Price feed

1.1 Add price feed for pair

function addPriceFeed(string[2] calldata _symbols, address _priceFeed) onlyOwner external

To add a new price fee, pass an array of symbols for that pair (example: [ETH, USDT]) and an address of price feed contract (you can find it on Chain Link website).

1.2 Get the latest price


You must add a price feed for that pair to receive the price.

function getLatestPriceFeed(string[2] calldata _symbols) public view returns (int256, uint256)

Pass an array of symbols for the existing pair. You will receive the latest price and timestamp, the price was updated.



To deploy any game you'll need to pass ownerFee and numberGenerator - the address of deployed previously NumberGenerator.sol.


Struct to save the bets.

struct Bet {
  address player;
  uint256 amount;

[!IMPORTNAT] For each game you have to save all the bets in arrays of Bet under the color of a specific game on the server side. You can do it by listening to the events on each contract. It will help to reduce gas prices.

Duels for two


Colors and their numbers. 1 - Blue, 2 - Red.

1.1 Create the lobby

function createLobby(Color _bettingColor) payable external returns (Lobby memory, uint256) {
  emit CreateLobby(lobbyId, msg.sender, _bettingColor, msg.value);

Call this function to create a new lobby with Color argument. The user must provide the amount of ETH between minBet and maxBet. It returns the new Lobby and its lobbyId.

1.2 Enter the lobby

function enterLobby(uint256 _lobbyId) payable checkLobby(_lobbyId) external {
  uint256 requestId = Generator.generateRandomNumber();
  requests[_lobbyId] = requestId;

  emit EnterLobby(_lobbyId, msg.sender);

Call the functions with a lobbyId of the existing lobby. The user must provide a value of ETH equal to the lobby's pool (provided by the creator of the lobby). Then the requestId of the lobby is stored in mapping requests under the lobbyId and will be used later to access the randomly generated number.


It will take some time to generate a number, and the event will be emitted (you can see it here)

1.3 Start the lobby

function startLobby(uint256 _lobbyId) checkLobby(_lobbyId) external {
  (bool isFullfilled, uint256 randomNumber) = Generator.getRequestStatus(requests[_lobbyId]);
  require(isFullfilled, "The request was not fullfilled yet");
  emit StartLobby(_lobbyId, winner, prize);

The function will finish the lobby and pick a winner. If the number for this lobby is not generated, the function will be reverted. After the function, the winner will receive the pool - ownerFee.

1.4 Close the lobby after some time

function closeLobbyAfterTime(uint256 _lobbyId) checkLobby(_lobbyId) external {
  emit CloseLobby(_lobbyId);

Call the function to close a non-full lobby. Only the creator of the lobby can close the game after lobbyTime has passed and only then will the user receive the pool back.

1.5 Get lobby winner

function getLobbyWinner(uint256 _lobbyId) checkLobby(_lobbyId) view public returns (address)

If the lobby under this _lobbyId exists and the winner was assigner will return the address of the winner.


1.1 Create the round

function createJackpot() onlyOwner external {
   emit CreateJackpot(roundId);

It can be called only if the previous round is over.

1.2 Enter the round

function enterJackpot() payable external returns (Bet memory) {
   emit EnterJackpot(msg.sender, msg.value);

The function must be called during roundTime after creating the round. The amount of ETH between minBet and maxBet. It will return the Bet that was just made.

1.3 Generate the random number

function sendRequestForNumber() onlyOwner external

The function must be called after roundTime ended but before closing the current round.


It will take some time to generate a number, and the event will be emitted (you can see it here)

1.4 Close the round


It might be quite expensive to execute this transaction so you can set a limit for maximum players in a round.

The function must be executed only after the number is generated. The winner receives all the pool - owner commission.

function closeJackpot(Bet[] calldata _bets) external onlyOwner {
   emit CloseJackpot(winner, winningAmount);


The winner is calculated based on an algorithm. The maximum number is 10000 that is corresponding to 100%. Then, depending on the player's bet, we calculate his winningNumber and add it to the sum, if the randomNumber (that was previously cast to the 10000 range) is small or equal to the sum, the loop will stop and set this player as a winner.



Colors and their numbers. 1 - Black, 2 - Red, 3 - Green.

1.1 Create the round

function createRound() onlyOwner external {
  emit CreateRoulette(roundId);

It can be called only if the previous round is over.

1.2 Enter the round

function enterRound(Color _bettingColor) external payable returns (Bet memory) {
   emit EnterRoulette(msg.sender, msg.value, _bettingColor);

The function must be called during roundTime. The user must provide _betColor (see the colors here and the amount of ETH between minBet and maxBet. Will return the bet of a user (see the struct here)

1.3 Generate the random number

function sendRequestForNumber() onlyOwner external

The function must be called after roundTime ends and before closing the current round.


It will take some time to generate a number, and the event will be emitted (you can see it here)

1.4 Calculate the winning color

This function must be called before providing the function closeRound with an array of winning bets. The function must be called after roundTime ended and request under the requestId was fulfilled.

function calculateWinningColor() onlyOwner external view returns (Color) {
   require(rounds[roundId].timestamp + roundTime < block.timestamp, "Round is not closed");

   (bool isFullFilled, uint256 randomNumber) = Generator.getRequestStatus(requestId);
   require(isFullFilled, "The request was not fulfilled");

The random number will be converted to a range from 0-36, depending on the number in roulette it will choose the winners. Roulette numbers

1.5 Close the round


It might be quite expensive to execute this transaction so you can set a limit for maximum players in a round.

Use the winningColor that was received from calculateWinningColor function and bets that were picked from the server side depending on this color, the owner must provide both of these arguments to this function.

function closeRound(Color _winningColor, Bet[] calldata _winningBets) onlyOwner external {
   emit CloseRoulette(roundId, poolToPay, _winningColor);

The function will pay each winner depending on its bet and prizePool (totalPool - winningPool - comission).

Color wheel


Colors and their numbers. 1 - Black, 2 - Red, 3 - Blue, 4 - Gold. The wheel has 24 black, 15 red, 10 blue, 1 gold sections.

1.1 Create wheel

function createWheel() external onlyOwner {
   emit CreateWheel(spinId);

It can be called only if the previous round is over.

1.2 Enter wheel

function enterWheel(Color _bettingColor) payable external returns (Bet memory) {
   emit EnterWheel(msg.sender, msg.value, _bettingColor);

The function must be called during roundTime. The user must provide _betColor (see the colors here and the amount of ETH between minBet and maxBet. Will return the bet of a user (see the struct here)

1.3 Generate the random number

function sendRequestForNumber() onlyOwner external

The function must be called after roundTime ends and before closing the current round.

1.4 Calculate the winning color

This function must be called before providing the function closeRound with an array of winning bets. The function must be called after roundTime ended and request under the requestId was fulfilled.

function calculateWinningColor() onlyOwner external view returns (Color) {
   require(spins[spinId].timestamp + roundTime < block.timestamp, "Round is not closed");

   (bool isFulfilled, uint256 randomNumber) = Generator.getRequestStatus(requestId);
   require(isFulfilled, "The request is not fulfilled");

The random number will be converted to a range from 0-36, depending on the number in roulette it will choose the winners.

1.5 Close wheel


It might be quite expensive to execute this transaction so you can set a limit for maximum players in a round.

function closeWheel(Bet[] calldata _winningBets, Color _winningColor) external onlyOwner {
   emit CloseWheel(spinId, spin.winningColor, prizePool);

Use the winningColor that was received from calculateWinningColor function and the array of bets that were picked from the server side depending on this color, then you must provide both of these arguments to this function.

Higher lower


One of the arguments is the priceFeed address of PriceFeed.sol that was previously deployed.


Prediction states for the game: Lower - 1, Equal - 2, Higher - 3.

1.1 Create round

function createRound(string[2] calldata _symbols) external onlyOwner {
   emit CreateRound(roundId, startPrice);

You can create a round for any pair that exists. The price will be set to the rounds mapping under the roundId.

1.2 Enter round

function enterRound(uint256 _roundId, Prediction _prediction) external payable returns (Bet memory) {
   emit EnterRound(msg.sender, msg.value, _prediction);

The function must be called during roundTime. The user must provide _prediction (see the states here and the amount of ETH between minBet and maxBet. Will return the bet of a user (see the struct here)

1.3 Calculate result


Must be called before calling closeRound.

function calculateResult(uint256 _roundId) external onlyOwner returns (Prediction)

The function must be called only during the roundTime. It will set the latest price and calculate the result based on price change.

1.4 Close round


It might be quite expensive to execute this transaction so you can set a limit for maximum players in a round.


Must be called after calling calculateResult.

function closeRound(uint256 _roundId, Bet[] calldata _winners) external onlyOwner {
   emit CloseRound(_roundId, round.prices[1], round.result);

You must provide an array of Bet from the backend, depending on the result from calculateResult function. The function will pay to each user depending on their bet.


Games on Solidity with true randomness






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