Clone this repository as
$ cd ~
$ git clone ~/vim
$ cp ~/vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
Open the vim and run :PluginInstall
- Install vim-pathogen from ""
- Install vim-airline from ""
- Install taglist.vim from ""
- Install vim-colors-solarized from ""
- Install OmniCppComplete from ""
- Install javacomplete from ""
- Install ctrlp.vim from ""
- Install syntastic from ""
- Install supertab from bundle/supertab
- Install pyflakes-pathogen from
- Install ack from bundle/ack
- Install pydoc from bundle/pydoc
- Install pep8 from bundle/pep8
- Install py.test from
- Install vim-bracketed-paste from
- Install YouCompleteMe from
- YCM Installation steps
$ cd ~
$ mkdir ycm_build
$ cd ycm_build
$ cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" . ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd/cpp
$ cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DPATH_TO_LLVM_ROOT=~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd/cpp/llvm/ . ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd/cpp
$ make ycm_support_libs
- To use 256-color install ncurses-term, then "echo $TERM" would give "xtrem-256color". If using gnome-terminal add following into ~/.bashrc script
export TERM=xterm-256color
Check "" for additionl information on CScope
"" for tricks on ctags, cscope in VIM. Extaract from same site => Make sure 'set csto=0' is included in your vimrc if you are coding C, and 'set csto=1' is included in your vimrc if you are coding C++ (see 'Theory' section above if you want to know why). Now you are ready to start using it. Simply type ':cs help' to see the commands right there. Type ':tags' to see where you currently are in the tag stack. Finally ':tag' will take you to an arbitrary symbol (and tab-completion works). Try typing ':tag sys_' and the press the Tab key and you should see it try going through several possible completions. Usage: Control-\ g to find the definition of a variable, Control-\ s to find its occurrence as a symbol in other code Control-\ c to see where the symbol is called from. The command 'q:' allows you to edit the command line history so you can paste large identifier names into a 'cs find g' command (Ctrl-C exits 'q:' mode).
Check pyhton related vim setting and plugin information at ""
Check vim with django at ""
- key is mapped to kj
inoremap jk <ESC>
- Leader key is
let mapleader = " "
* d: delete
* c: change
* y: yank (copy)
* v: visulally select (V for line vs. character)
* i: inside
* a: around
* NUM: number (e.g: 1,2,20)
* t: searches for something and stops befor it
* f: searches for that things and land on it
* /: find a string (literal or regex)
* w: word
* s: sentence
* ): sentence (another way of doing it)
* p: paragraph
* }: paragraph (another way of doing it)
* t: tag (think HTML/XML)
* b: block (think programming)
* vi file : open your file in vim
* :w : write your changes to the file
* :q! : getour of vim(quit), but without your changes (!)
* :wq : write your changes anf exit VIM
* ZZ : a faster way to do :wq
* :saveas ~/some/path/: save your file to that location VIM
* /{string} : search for string
* t : jump up to a character
* f : jump on to a character
* * : search for other instances of the word under your cursor
* n : go to the next instance when you've serached for a string
* N : go the the previous instance when you've searched for a string
* ; : go to the next instance when you've jumped to a character
* , : go to the previous instance when you've jumped to a character
* 0: move to the beginning of the line
* $: move to the endof the line
* ^: move to the first non-blank character in the line
* t": jump to the