A silo to store and link resources, via a simple api.
CAUTION : It's a work in progress, and not all api has unit tests.
Type | Methods |
Silo | __construct , create , delete |
Resources | get , set , meta , attr , attributes |
Links | link , unlink , from , to |
Searches | search , filter , group |
Cache | emptyCache |
Dowload : https://github.com/Amund/pdo-silo
Silo ^
The idea behind the Silo PHP class is to get a minimal class to have a persistence layer in a project, a nano ORM and DBAL (Doctrine ?). Sure, it doesn't fit in all projects, it has a bunch of limitations, but it's simple, small, fast, and more importantly, it's fun to use.
A quick overview ? Here it is.
// creating a testing silo
$pdo = new PDO( 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=mydb;charset=utf8','login','password' );
$silo = new Silo( $pdo, 'test' );
// adding resources
$silo->set( 'person', array( 'firstname'=>'John', 'lastname'=>'Doe', 'gender'=>'M' ) ); // => 1
$silo->set( 'person', array( 'firstname'=>'Cynthia', 'lastname'=>'Doe', 'gender'=>'F' ) ); // => 2
$silo->set( 'person', array( 'firstname'=>'Régis', 'lastname'=>'Doe', 'gender'=>'M' ) ); // => 3
$silo->set( 'address', array( 'street'=>'5 Bedford St', 'city'=>'New York' ) ); // => 4
$silo->set( 'animal', array( 'type'=>'fish', 'species'=>'Lutjanus sebae', 'color'=>'blue' ) ); // => 5
// modifying resource
$silo->attr( 4, 'zip', '10118');
$silo->attr( 5, 'color', 'red' );
// getting a resource by its id
$resource = $silo->get( 1 );
// => array(
// 'id'=>1,
// 'class'=>'person',
// 'firstname'=>'John',
// 'lastname'=>'Doe'
// )
// adding some links
$silo->link( 1, 2, 'husband' );
$silo->link( 2, 1, 'wife' );
$silo->link( 3, 1, 'son' );
$silo->link( 3, 2, 'son' );
$silo->link( 4, 1 );
$silo->link( 4, 2 );
$silo->link( 4, 3 );
$silo->link( 5, 3, 'pet' );
// searching resources
$silo->search( array(
'where'=> $silo->filter( 'lastname', 'LIKE', 'doe' )
) ); // => array( 1, 2, 3 )
$silo->search( array(
'where'=> $silo->group(
$silo->filter( 'class', '=', 'person' ),
$silo->filter( 'lastname', 'LIKE', 'doe' ),
$silo->filter( 'gender', '=', 'M' )
) ); // => array( 1, 3 );
__construct( $pdo
[, $prefix
[, $cache
]] ) ^
Create a Silo instance to play with. The PDO resource must be a valid MySQL or Sqlite resource (for now).
Required, PDO resource.$prefix
Optional, String, default to 'resource'. This is the database tables prefix.$cache
Optional, String, default to NULL. Two cache systems are available : PDO or disk. By default, the caching system use $pdo resource to store cache items, in a table named "$prefix
_cache". Otherwise, you can set caching system to disk by giving a path.
- Return the Silo instance.
// create a mysql PDO resource
$pdo = new PDO( 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=mydb;charset=utf8','login','password' );
// or for sqlite
$pdo = new PDO( 'sqlite:/path/to/database.db' );
// then your silo instance, with 'resource' as prefix, and a database cache
$silo = new Silo( $pdo );
// or with a different prefix
$silo = new Silo( $pdo, 'myproject' );
// or with disk cache
$silo = new Silo( $pdo, 'myproject', '/path/to/cache' );
- Continue documentation
- Add tests to cache system
- Add tests to search methods
- Extend to (or maybe just test) PDO resources other than MySQL or Sqlite
- Perhaps modify cache implementation to follow PRSR6