Bee is interpreted programming language for LangJam 2021 (Created in less than 48h) based on first-class comments theme, the design of the syntax inspired from the comment style from many languages
Object Oriented Programming example in Bee
In the bin directory you will find bee-lang.jar and example directory, the language require JAVA 8
to run any example
java -jar bee-lang.jar <source> <options>
Run without options
java -jar bee-lang.jar examples/Test.bee
Run with options
java -jar bee-lang.jar examples/Test.bee -a -n -c 4
-a Enable the alert comments
-n Enable the note comments
-c <Integer> Set the number of cores to use
-v Print the language version
-h Print the options
- Call function with 0 args
@call function_name
- Call function with args 1, 2
@call function_name with 1, 2
- Call method from type c
@call c->function_name
- Call method from the same type
@call this->function_name
- Call method from the parent type
@call super->function_name
- Return with no value
- Return with value
#return with 0
- Block
- Function with 0 parameters
#function function_name
- Function with parameters
#function function_name take x, y
- Call function in other thread and wait for the result
#let future be @run function_name
#let result be @wait future
- Loops
#loop 100
#loop x < 10
- Object Oriented Programming type, extend, constructor, this, super
#type Math
#function add
#return with 3
#type Vector extend Math
#function init
@call println with "Constructor"
#function add
#return with 2
#function callCurrentAdd
#return with @call this->add
#function callSuperAdd
#return with @call super->add
#let v be @call Vector
@call println with (@call v->callCurrentAdd)
@call println with (@call v->callSuperAdd)
@set @call v.x be 1
@call println with @call v.x
- Functional Programming
#function printPlus take x, y
@call println with x + y
#function callback take fun
@call fun with 1, 2
@call callback with printPlus
- Run and wait keyword to run the function on other thread and return future so you can wait for it using wait keyword.
#function show
@call println with @call threadName
#let t be @run show
#let f be @wait t
- Load other file or all files in the directory!.
#load "Service.bee"
#load "Directory"
- Collections Data Strcture module include Array, LinkedList, Stack and generic functions work for all of them.
#let size be 5
#let array be @call createArray
#let counter be 0
#loop counter < size
@call collectionAdd with array, ("Hello " + counter)
@change counter be counter + 1
@call println with array
@call println with (@call collectionGet with array, 2)
#let stack be @call createStack
#let counter be 0
#loop counter < size
@call collectionPush with stack, ("Hello " + counter)
@change counter be counter + 1
@call println with stack
@call println with (@call collectionGet with stack, 2)
- Input and OS Modules
@call println with "Enter Your name :"
#let name be @call scanString
@call print with "Welcome " + name
@call sleep with 1000
@call println with @call osName
- Alerts is used to help you in the work you can enable/disable them from the CLI
# todo "Improve Performance"
# fix "Don't forget to fix this issue"
# warn "Remember that println return the size of the string :D"
- Notes is like print or logs but you can enable/disable them from the CLI
--Array & LinkedList Example.
--Stack Example
Conditions if, loop
Binary, Logical and Bitwise expressions support
Group Expressions, You can group your expression inside ( )
(@call println with "Hello, World")
All the examples are on bee-lang/bin/exampes, I hope you will enjoy and have fun with this project