contains dominated strategies ,
iterative eliminations ,
nash equilibrium ,
optimum pareto ,
security level .
zero sum games .
mixed strategies.
must fix :
nash equil , iterative elimination , nash equil in mixed , and so on .
must choose number of players , preferably less than 5 because it will be an endless loop later
click on generate players , and then in the left tableview . write the number of strategies for each player
then click set strategies ,
then generate matrix ,
you can modify the values in the multidimentional matrix (right array ) by changing the wanted value , and then press set values
the bottom buttons are for calculating what the buttons say.
the matrix will be shown in interface as a 2D array , [[i , j ... ,n , player] [payoff]]
i,j...n are stragies of respectively players 1,2...n
player is player index ,
payoff is players payoff,