Simple project with turtle simulator, using ros2 nodes, topics, services, parameters and launch files. The master-turtle tries to catches all the other turtle that spawns within every 2 seconds. The nodes run in a endless loop and the entire simulation is run using a launch file. The code is written in Python using Vscode.
- Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
- ROS2-Humble installed
Clone the repository.
git clone ""
Navigate to source folder.
cd turtlesim-catch-them-all/src
build the packages.
colcon build
run the launch file.
ros2 launch turtlesim_ctall_bringup
- Locating random positions
random.randrange() This function can output a random value between the range of value we give it as a input. So by using this we can locate and spawn a turtle in random positions of the turtlesim workspace.
- Spawning new turtle
Turtle_spawn(goal,killer_name,spawn_name) By using this function we can create a new turtle anywhere in the screen according to our inputs. The inputs are goal = position killer_name and spawn_name So the turtle will be spawned at the goal position with the name of spawn_name
- Identifying Distance
The distance between the spawned turtle and the catcher turtle is found using the function euclidean_distance(self, goal_pose)
- Equating the distance
Equating the distance between the turtles with the tolerance level, the linear and angular velocities of the turtle is changed simultaneously while self.euclidean_distance(goal_pose) >= float(distance_tolerance): With that the turtle moves for catching the new turtles
- Killing the turtle
Turtle_kill(killer_name) This function is used to kill the turtle whose input parameter is the name of the turtle. Once the catcher turtle catches the newly spawned turtle, then the Turtle_Kill function is been called self.Turtle_kill('turtle2')