bundle exec jekyll serve --config _config_development.yml
bundle outdated
- clone this site from git
- download vscode and open site
- install jekyll [or not? do we not want people to do this?]
- jekyll serve command [or not?]
- link to markdown guide, maybe a basic html explainer
- how to change colors in sass
- use yml file to configure navbar
- how to find/upload appropriate images for use on the site
- comment google analytics back in
- delete unused files from includes/img. maybe provide a list of what can be deleted and what should not be deleted (don't delete favicon etc)
- check for inaccurate spacing, commas, line breaks in yml files
- for authors, check for exact match in name spelling
- for image files, check name and file extension are spelled correctly, file is located in correct directory
- vscode will show errors in html sometimes, doesn't work for liquid
- check html and liquid tags opened and closed properly