- Install MFTF: https://developer.adobe.com/commerce/testing/functional-testing-framework/getting-started/
We recommend that you turn off the Magento_TwoFactorAuth module for ease of testing or configure credentials: https://developer.adobe.com/commerce/testing/functional-testing-framework/two-factor-authentication/ - Install and enable Hyva for global level:
- Install Hyva Theme: https://docs.hyva.io/hyva-themes/getting-started/index.html
- Open “Content -> Design -> Configuration” in Admin Area Magento Store.
- Choose “Global” Design Configuration and set “Default Hyva” in “Applied Theme” dropdown.
- Click to “Save Configuration”.
- Install and enable Hyva Luma Checkout: https://docs.hyva.io/checkout/luma-checkout/installing-luma-checkout.html
To install the package, run the following commands:
composer require amasty/module-common-tests-hyva-mftf-3
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy (your locale)
Run a special command for correct operation of the waits when you are running any tests
bin/magento amasty-mftf:hyva:waiting-update
To run the tests, run the following command:
Magento Commerce:vendor/bin/mftf run:group AmDef -r
Open Source Magento:
vendor/bin/mftf run:group AmDefCE -r