- Hash Table structure of data implemented in C language. Realised functions: (n - number of notes with this key)
- Adding note to the table (O(1) ordinary and O(n) in case of collision);
- Finding note with key (O(1) ordinary and O(n) in case of multiple notes with such key);
- Deletting note (O(1) ordinary and O(n) in case of multiple notes with such key);
- Binary Search Tree implementation in C language. Realised functions:
- Adding node to the tree (O(log_2^N));
- Search in the tree (O(log_2^N));
- Deletting node in the tree (O(log_2^N));
- Deletting hole tree (O(log_2^N));
- Forward list implementation in C. Realised functions:
- Adding nodes to the list (O(1));
- Deletting nodes from the list (O(1));
- Search in list (O(N));
- Deletting hole list (O(N));