This is the repository dedicated to my projects done in my bachelor "Informatic Engineering" in the University of Huelva, Spain.
Here there is an index on the initials you can see among the different folders.
- 1C: 1º Semester
- 2C: 2º Semester
- FP: Fundamentos de Programación | Programming Foundamentals
- EDI: Estructuras de Datos I | Data Structures I
- FAA: Fundamentos de Análisis de Algoritmos | Foundamentals of Algorithms Analysis
- MP: Metodología de la Programación | Programming Methodology
- EC: Estructura de Computadores | Computers' Structure
- BBDD: Bases de Datos | Databases
- EDII: Estructuras de Datos II | Data Structures II
- AC: Arquitectura de Computadores | Computers' Architecture
- AMC: Algoritmos y Modelos de Computación | Algorithms and Computational Models
- DDSI: Diseño y Desarrollo de Sistemas de Información | Information Systems Design and Development
- PCD: Programación Concurrente y Distribuida | Concurrent and Distributed Programming
- PROLE: Procesadores del Lenguaje | Language Processors
- RC: Representación del Conocimiento | Knowledge Representation
- RV: Realidad Virtual | Virtual Reality
- SINT: Sistemas Inteligentes | Intelligent Systems
- SPN: Sistemas de Percepción | Perception Systems
- ART: Applied Robot Technology
- IPCV: Image Processing and Computer Vision
- IRTM: Information Retrieval and Text Mining
- ML: Machine Learning
Some of the most interesting Projects (from my point of view) I made are listed here.
- FiboBench: A synthetic benchmark - [Repository] [Project Report]
- BNF2CNF: Development of a grammatics translator from Backus-Naur to Chomsky's Normal Form - [Repository] [Project Report]
- RocketTrainer: Development of a Videogame with OpenGL - [Repository] [Project Report]
- Seguimiento Color: Development of a Classifier in Matlab (Pixel Color) - [Repository]
- Reconocimiento Forma: Development of a Classifier in Matlab (Object's Form) - [Repository]
- APPImageViewer: Application for Image Processing and Visualization with OpenCV and PythonQt - [Repository] [Project Report]
- Feature descriptors; Analysis and Comparison of image feature extraction methods: SIFT and SURF - [Repository] [Project Report]
- MS Marco Document Re-ranking - [Repository] [Project Report]
Notice my bachelor's final thesis is on different repository
- Fake news detection with Deep Learning technics - [Repository]