A chrome extension to calculate points for https://nineletterword.tompaton.com/
Nineletterword.tompation is a website designed to test your ability to find words from letters. The limitations of this are that the words have to be "Common", Only use each given letter once, and have a length of 4-9 charecters
- Get word from html element & Turn it into a JavaScript list
- Get length of a word via JavaScript
- Add a Javascipt array for calculating points from a length value
Piggyback off of the "Guess" button to run functionAdd a New button for points.- This will involve injecting an extra function on the Guess button (id="move_button")
- Turn into a Chrome Extension
- Refactor Names of most files
- Download with either git or the green button at the top of the page.
- Unzip the download
- Goto "Chrome://Extensions"
- Click on the switch called "Developer Mode"
- Press "Load unpacked". This will open up your file explorer.
- Navagate to where you unziped the files and open that folder.
- Reload "https://nineletterword.tompaton.com/".
- The extension will run automagically when you press the guess button.