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Villager Trades

LLytho edited this page May 26, 2023 · 6 revisions

Disabling offers when start trading

 * Disables the offers when the player starts trading.
 * In the example we will use a stage to disable the offers.
// for 1.18 pls use: onEvent("morejs.player.start_trading", (event) => { ... })
MoreJSEvents.playerStartTrading((event) => {
    // We don't have the stage, so no trades for us :(
    if (!event.player.stages.has("allow_trading")) {
        event.forEachOffers((o, i) => {
            o.disabled = true;

 * Another simple example to disable offers from the goblin trader mod.
 * `event.merchant` returns the trader entity.
// for 1.18 pls use: onEvent("morejs.player.start_trading", (event) => { ... })
MoreJSEvents.playerStartTrading((event) => {
    let hasStage = event.player.stages.has("allow_trading_with_goblin");
    let isGoblin = event.merchant.getClass().getName().includes("GoblinTraderEntity");
    if (isGoblin && !hasStage) {
        event.forEachOffers((o, i) => {
            o.disabled = true;

Villager Trade event

Clear existing trades:

// for 1.18 pls use: onEvent("morejs.villager.trades", (event) => { ... })
MoreJSEvents.villagerTrades((event) => {
     * Will remove all vanilla trades. You can also just remove them for specific professions.
    event.removeVanillaTrades([...professions], level);

     * Will remove all mod trades. You can also just remove them for specific professions.
    event.removeModdedTrades([...professions], level);

Adding a simple trade:

// for 1.18 pls use: onEvent("morejs.villager.trades", (event) => { ... })
MoreJSEvents.villagerTrades((event) => {
     * Adds a trade to the given profession.
     * - `profession`: The profession to add the trade to.
     * - `level`: The level, the villager needs to offer the trade.
     * - `input`: The input items for the trade. You can use a single item or an array with two items.
     * - `output`: The output items for the trade.
    const trade = event.addTrade(profession, level, [...input], output);

    // For 1.19+ only:
    // If you want to use random selected price ranges, you can use `TradeItem.of(item, min, max)` for input and outputs
    // event.addTrade("farmer", 1, ["minecraft:diamond", TradeItem.of("minecraft:apple", 10, 19)], "minecraft:acacia_sapling");

    // `addTrade` return the trade to set optional data.
    // trade.maxUses(number); // Sets the maximum amount of uses for the trade.
    // trade.villagerExperience(number); // Sets the amount of villager experience the trade gives.
    // trade.priceMultiplier(number); // Sets the price multiplier for the trade.
    // trade.transform((offer, entity, random) => { ... }); // Transforms the offer when it's generated.

Adding a complex trade:

MoreJS provides you with additional functions to create complex trades. To create such a trade see VillagerUtils

// for 1.18 pls use: onEvent("morejs.villager.trades", (event) => { ... })
MoreJSEvents.villagerTrades((event) => {
     * - `trade`: The trade to add. Read the wiki for more information.
     * `addTrade` returns the trade to set optional data.
    event.addTrade(profession, level, trade);

Adding a custom trade with a callback

// for 1.18 pls use: onEvent("morejs.villager.trades", (event) => { ... })
MoreJSEvents.villagerTrades((event) => {
     * - `offer`: The trade offer
     * - `entity`: The villager entity
     * - `random`: The random number generator
    event.addCustomTrade(profession, level, (offer, entity, random) => {

Wanderer Trades

You can also modify wanderer trades. Just use morejs.wanderer.trades (1.18) or MoreJSEvents.wandererTrades (1.19) event instead. The difference is, that you don't use a profession. The wanderer also has 2 levels internally. The first level are for standard trades. The second level are for special trades. You can read more about it on

Update villager offers

This Event is for 1.19+ only!

The event gets called when the villager offers are updated. This can happen when the villager levels up or updates the profession.

MoreJSEvents.updateVillagerOffers((event) => {
     * event.getEntity() // Returns the villager entity.
     * event.getVillagerData() // Returns the villager data.
     * event.isProfession(profession) // Returns true if the villager has the given profession.
     * event.getVillagerLevel() // Returns the villager level.
     * event.getProfession() // Returns the villager profession.
     * event.getOffers() // Returns the current offers the villager has.
     * event.getAddedOffers() // Returns the offers that were added to the villager.
     * event.getUsedTrades() // Returns the trades that were used to generate the new offers.
     * event.deleteAddedOffers() // Deletes all added offers.
     * event.addRandomOffer() // Adds a random offer to the villager. Can return null if no offer was added.
     * event.addRandomOffer(trades) // Adds a random offer to the villager by given trades. Can return null if no offer was added.
     * event.getVillagerTrades(profession) // Returns all trades for the given profession.
     * event.getVillagerTrades(profession, level) // Returns all trades for the given profession and level.
     * event.getWandererTrades() // Returns all trades for the wanderer.
     * event.getWandererTrades(level) // Returns all trades for the wanderer and level (1 or 2).

    // Example: Add a random trade to the villager from another profession.
    if (event.isProfession("minecraft:farmer")) {
        let trades = event.getVillagerTrades("minecraft:armorer");

    // Example: Update added offers
    event.getAddedOffers().forEach((offer) => {
        offer.getFirstInput().setCount(1); // Set the first input to just 1.

The update event also exists for the wanderer, just use MoreJSEvents.updateWandererOffers instead and for other abstract villagers from other mods use MoreJSEvents.updateAbstractVillagerOffers.