A React Native Expo template for creating consumer apps on solana with ease.
With a simple git clone, you're ready to go with:
- simple signups with email OTPs via Magic.link
- invisible non-custodial wallets
- secure private key exports
- web3.js setup for onchain actions
- onboarding that handles notifications and invites
- snappy UI with native apps for iOS and Android
- Moonpay for on-ramping (webview by default)
You'll need:
- a magic.link API key
- a solana RPC endpoint
- a moonpay API key
- sign up to magic.link
- create new app
- network: solana mainnet/devnet
- copy the publishable api key
I recommend https://helius.dev/ (sponsor me pls)
- sign up to moonpay
- create new app
- get keys from https://dashboard.moonpay.com/v2/developers
Rename .env.example to .env and fill in the values
bun install
bun start
Scan the QR code printed in the console with Expo Go (Android) or the Camera app (iOS) (you need to have expo go installed).
- we don't validate login state via SDK anywhere cuz it takes too long, if the DID is expired, stuff will break
- have not cleaned up expo generated files
- styles are in each component instead of a theme
I've included a bunch of extra stuff you might not need.
- remove reference-code folder
- uninstall unused packages
TODO: make script that does all this
- Trading tokens on an agg/dex
- Profile/follow/following
- Global trending lists
- Token launch with bonding curve functionality
- Presale and liquidity migration
I use this for telling LLMs how stuff is structured so they can be more accurate in their responses. You can regenerate this on Windows with this command:
# delete node_modules and .expo
bun nuke
tree /F
magic-link-template │ .env │ .env.example │ .gitignore │ app.json │ babel.config.js │ bun.lockb │ expo-env.d.ts │ metro.config.js │ package-lock.json │ package.json │ README.md │ tsconfig.json ├───app │ │ +not-found.tsx │ │ index.tsx │ │ onboarding.tsx │ │ polyfills.js │ │ _layout.tsx │ ├───(auth) │ │ login.tsx │ └───(tabs) │ index.tsx │ wallet.tsx │ _layout.tsx ├───assets │ ├───fonts │ │ SpaceMono-Regular.ttf │ │ │ └───images │ adaptive-icon.png │ favicon.png │ icon.png │ splash.png │ ├───components │ Collapsible.tsx │ ExternalLink.tsx │ HelloWave.tsx │ ParallaxScrollView.tsx │ Splash.tsx │ ThemedText.tsx │ ThemedView.tsx ├───config │ magic.ts │ ├───constants │ Colors.ts │ ├───contexts │ UserContext.tsx │ ├───hooks │ useColorScheme.ts │ useColorScheme.web.ts │ useThemeColor.ts │ └───utils network.ts resetState.ts signAndSendTx.ts storage.ts