- Introduction
- Who we are
- How this site is organized
- Useful charts when reviewing this pandemic
- Letter to the town of Brookine Massachusetts
- FY2021 revised budget revised budget highlights
- FY2021 revised budget assumptions local receipts
- FY2021 Revised Budget: Departmental Reductions
- Brookline Health: Budget 2018-2021
- Brookline Health: Salaries 2018-2021
- WHO official urges world leaders to stop using lockdowns as primary virus control method
- UK virus cases hospital ICU deaths
- The WHO is recommending key changes to PCR testing.
- Public Health Department
- Comments about various suggested / recommended / not-recommended Covid virus treatments
- FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
- What do we know?
- What do we not know?
- What is issues with PCR testing and "cases"
- What would a multi-year chart of "Deaths by Cause and Age" show us and where is that data?
- What are some simple questions that we think do not make any sense
- What items do we consider true, and why?
- What items do we consider false, and why?
- Who are the participants, the cast members in this story?
- What are some historical events we might want to recall when considering this pandemic
- What is pathogen research, who funds it and how much?
- Why is Bill Gates seemingly involved in many parts of this story
- What was Event 201, a multi-day multi-country pandemic preparedless simulation October 2019
- What was Wuhan World Military Games, a multi-day 140+ multi-country sports games held at the Wulhan bio lab October 2019
- What is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and what does it fund
- Vaccines
- What is the historical background and timeline of key participants of this pandemic
- Resources and additional background material
- Knowledge vs Noise - our opinions about news and media sources
- What is narrative control and how is it used to shape public opinion
- Government Monitoring and Control
- Current Events and their relationship to today's events
- How to recognize typical Russian sabotage, cause confusion (Brexit etc)
- How to understand Brexit
- How to understand the Yellow Vests in France
- How understand the anti-fracking and pipeline protests by young people and indigenous peoples
- How to understand NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement and fossil fuel's effect on sustainable mexican agriculture
- Economics, Fossil Fuels, Pharma, Money, Power
- What are the economic effects of lockdowns
- How does the lockdowns help and encourage large business but destroy small business
- What is the WEF World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab
- What is the WEF World Economic Forum and this proposed / planned Great Reset
- What is the WEF World Economic Forum event at Davos, who goes, anyone from my area?
- What is the WEF World Economic Forum relationship to vaccines
- What is the WEF World Economic Forum relationship with Bill Gates
- What is the WEF World Economic Forum relationship with fossil fuels
- What is the role of local officials and public health in the lockdowns
- What is fascism and what are examples of it in the past
- What is Eugenics and who in history has involvement
- Who is with us - who is against lockdowns and injections
- Who apparently is a fascist in favor of lockdowns and injections of young healthy of reproductive age
- Who locally is now someone who has lost our trust
- Who are famous medical, research and data scientists people who appear to be supporting lockdowns and healhy young people being injected
- Who are news people who appear to be supporting lockdowns and healhy young people being injected
- Who are famous media and entertainment people who appear to be supporting lockdowns and healhy young people being injected
- What media sources are untrustworty because they are encouraging lockdowns and healthy young people to be injected
- What messages is the media sending that we feel are incorrect
- How you can maintain stability and normalcy and your mental health during these trying times
- How you can help
- Join the discord community ()[]
- How to upload content to be included in our research
- Help us with research
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- How to look at our project roadmap
- How to help automate data collection
- How to get your computer set up
- How to install vscode on your computer
- How to set up SSH keys on your computer with vscode
- How to edit Markdown to format documents (Markdown-Cheatsheet)[https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet]
- How do use branching in GitHub
- How to submit a pull request for someone to accept your submission
- How to use puppeteer to automatically scrape a web page to retrieve data
- How to buy a $250 chromebook for an awesome development experience
- How to know about how the government is monitoring your Apple computer via the M2 chip
- How to know about how the government is monitoring your Chromebook
- How another project 'Minimal Mistakes' guides contributors in their Pull Request process
- License
- This site is full of opinion. We have collected a huge wide variety of items and we attempt to label these items as either True or False.
- We document why it is our opinion, our group consensus, that these items are correctly tagged as either True or False.
- Every item will be able to be tagged so you can either agree or disagree by you tagging the item yourself.
- That feature is not yet ready but you can see we are attempting to make this a community-driven collective-knowledge resource.
- This website will attempt to be kept up-to-date so you can learn what has changed since you last visited.
- link to contributors
Source: FY 2021 Revised Budget Presentation to the Select Board
Source: Financial Plan - Live Tracking
The World Health Organization’s special envoy on COVID-19 urged world leaders this week to stop “using lockdowns as your primary control method.”
“We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of this virus,” Dr. David Nabarro said to The Spectator’s Andrew Neil. “The only time we believe a lockdown is justified is to buy you time to reorganize, regroup, rebalance your resources, protect your health workers who are exhausted, but by and large, we’d rather not do it.”
Source: MSN "WHO: stop using lockdowns as primary virus control method" October 10 2020
Source: Twitter Christina Pagel @chrischirp Jan 16, 2021
The WHO is recommending some changes to PCR testing.
"PCR positive" is no longer a Covid "case"
You are not Covid "case" now unless you get a second test to confirm it, and are presenting clinical symptoms.
WHO guidance Diagnostic testing for SARS-CoV-2 states that careful interpretation of weak positive results is needed (1). The cycle threshold (Ct) needed to detect virus is inversely proportional to the patient’s viral load. Where test results do not correspond with the clinical presentation, a new specimen should be taken and retested using the same or different NAT technology.
WHO reminds IVD users that disease prevalence alters the predictive value of test results; as disease prevalence decreases, the risk of false positive increases (2). This means that the probability that a person who has a positive result (SARS-CoV-2 detected) is truly infected with SARS-CoV-2 decreases as prevalence decreases, irrespective of the claimed specificity.
Ivermectin, the most promising COVID treatment to date, won its developers the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2015 and a place on the World Health Organization’s Model List of Essential Medicines. Since the 1980s, with billions of doses given
Source: Trial Site News, By Mary Beth Pfeiffer, December 27 2020 : In Far-Flung Places, COVID-19 Is Being Treated Early And Well. Here’s Why Americans Don’t Know This.
Cheap hair lice drug may cut the risk of hospitalised Covid patients dying by up to 80%, study finds
Ivermectin - which can cost as little as £1.50 per treatment- was also found to potentially halve the time those suffering from the virus were on the ward
Ivermectin was discovered in the 1970s and has fast become an essential medicine for a vast number of parasitic infections, such as head lice and scabies.
It is branded as Stromectol, an oral tablet for scabies and Soolantra, a skin cream for rosacea. It is branded as Sklice for treating head lice, which was approved in the US this year.
Today it is prescribed on the NHS and in the US for these conditions, but some scientists argue it could also be useful against Covid-19.
Source: UK Daily Mail, By Luke Andrews
The effect of early treatment with ivermectin on viral load, symptoms and humoral response in patients with non-severe COVID-19: A pilot, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial
Source: The Lancet: The effect of early treatment with ivermectin on viral load, symptoms and humoral response in patients with non-severe COVID-19: A pilot, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial
Published: January 19, 2021
“Several studies show you can grow the virus in a test tube and then kill it off with high doses of various drugs we already have
Innocuous FDA-approved drug like ivermectin at five or ten times the normal doses, of course you’re going to have toxicity”
- A virus has been reported. The virus affects mainly old, infirm, and those with comorbidities - the people who typically die of the flu.
- The virus also appears to affect PoC more severely
- PCR "cases" indicates the presence of old inert remnants of inactive pieces of virus
- The PCR test replicates, amplifies, multiplies the sample X times. 30-35 cyles is good, above will give lots of false postive "cases" - but they are false positive - if the PCR test was re-run at 28 or 30 it will likely be negative.
- PCR testing has an interesting side effect in that the testing organization obtains your full DNA profile
This is an excellent overview of the cases issue: "Case rate fallacy/false positive paradox" is derived from Bayes theorem. When the incidence of a disease in a population is low, unless the test used has very high specificity, more false positives will be determined than true positives. The difference in the numbers can be quite striking and certainly not inherently understandable." MedPageToday.com - Here's What's Wrong With COVID-19 Case Counts
- The CDC last updated the data in 2018 - we have no data from 2019 or 2020 - no cause of death by age.
- This is important because how will we know when the vaccines are effective?
- Why is this simple data being withheld?
- Old infirm w/ comorbidity are dying. So Why inject young healthy of reproductive age?
- If the supermarket and many stores and business can be open, why not the library?
- It is completely unrealistic to believe a natural virus jumped out of a bush and caused this pandemic. This is a man-made virus.
- The virus did not come from nature. It has too many advanced gain-of-function features that scientists recently proudly documented in published papers.
What was Wuhan World Military Games, a multi-day 140+ multi-country sports games held at the Wulhan bio lab October 2019
Who was Harvard Chemistry Department Chair and nano particle expert Charles Lieber and why was he arrested
How is famous Jeffrey Epstein who flew famous people to have massages on islands - how is he involved?
Role of the Rockefeller Foundation - John D. Rockefeller owned Standard Oil and was/is as rich as Jeff Bezos.
I am constantly shadowbanned on Twitter
How to understand NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement and fossil fuel's effect on sustainable mexican agriculture
Here is a question I posted on Facebook, and also on Twitter
Who are famous people who are questioning the whole narriative of lockdowns and injecting young healthy people
- Ian Brown (British Rocker Stone Roses and solo)
- Van Morrison (British Rocker 1960's to now)
- Eric Clapton (British Rocker 1960's to now)
Who apparently is a fascist in favor of lockdowns and injections of young healthy of reproductive age
- Healthcare providers - injecting young healthy to save old infirm? Really? Where is the logic in that?
- Local officials and public health officials - lock down the library and withhold data of deaths by Cause by Age - why hide simple data?
Who are famous medical, research and data scientists people who appear to be supporting lockdowns and healhy young people being injected
- Nate Silver - FiveThirtyEight.com
- The Atlantic Monthly - Steve Jobs's wife Powell owns the Atlantic Monthly
- Rachel Maddow
- Young Turks
- DailyKos
- Huffington Post
- Buzzfeed
- Vice News
- Rolling Stone
Who are famous media and entertainment people who appear to be supporting lockdowns and healhy young people being injected
- Madonna
What media sources are untrustworty because they are encouraging lockdowns and healthy young people to be injected
- Boston Globe
- New York Times
- Washington Post
- Local news
- Local TV
- Cable TV
- Democrat channels - MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC
- Republican channels - Fox News, Breitbart, Steve Bannon, Pat Buchanan
- Politico, The Hill, Axios
Book | Author | Relevant Lessons |
Animal Farm | name | classic |
Brave New World | name | classic |
1984 | name | classic |
The Handmaid's Tale | name | classic |
Show | Author | relevance |
12 Monkey's | who | why |
Love, Death and Robots love-death-and-robots-zima-blueImage via Netflix Created by: Tim Miller
Executive produced by Tim Miller (Deadpool) and legendary filmmaker David Fincher, the animated anthology series Love, Death & Robots is kind of the perfect catch-all for sci-fi fans. Each episode hails from a different writer and director, and the theme holding them all together is the idea of sci-fi technology. As a result you get a wide range of tone from uber-violent to romantic to hysterically funny. All in all, though, there’s just some really great sci-fi storytelling in here. – Adam Chitwood
Watch Love, Death & Robots Here
There are many ways you can continue your research and help out the community at the same time.
Here are some suggestions, please add to this list:
How to edit Markdown to format documents (Markdown-Cheatsheet)[https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet]
("Contributing set up, create branch, Pull Requests, GitHub Flow")[https://github.com/mmistakes/minimal-mistakes]
(Understanding the GitHub flow)[https://guides.github.com/introduction/flow/]
GitHub flow is a lightweight, branch-based workflow that supports teams and projects where deployments are made regularly
This guide explains how and why GitHub flow works.
- Main is deployable always
- Create a branch & Commit work on it
- Pull Request announces your work and opens discussion, even if you are nowhere near being ready to complete it
- Discussions are in the activity, full markup capability
- @mentions to alert others
- a bot can do housekeeping tasks such as trim old dead stale branches
- Discuss and review changes, ensure testing and style are adhered to
- Deploy to pre-prod or prod
- Merge with main branch
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Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Thomas Connors and contributors