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6. JSON Behaviour API
There were some major API changes. I will remove this paragraph after updating the documentation.
"feature": "FEATURE_NAME",
"conditions": [ ],
"params...": "...values"
A feature is an object placed within an array, which definitely contains a field called feature
. The rest are optional; we can distinguish two categories: dedicated fields for specific "features" (see params...
) and an array of objects conditions
, which allows us to control under what conditions a given feature should operate.
The Feature is entered in the editor using a text-area
As of today, there are eleven
implemented features in visu
- AngleFeature,
- BooleanFeature,
- CounterFeature,
- FollowPlayerFeature,
- KillFeature,
- LifespawnFeature,
- ParticleFeature,
- ShootFeature,
- SpeedFeature,
- SpriteFeature,
- SwingFeature.
Available fields:
- transform?: NumberTransformer
- add?: NumberTransformer
Usage example:
"feature": "AngleFeature",
"transform": {
"value": 90.0,
"target": 270.0,
"factor": 1.0,
"increase": 0.0
"feature": "AngleFeature",
"add": {
"target": 2.0,
"factor": 0.01,
"increase": 0.0
The difference between transform
and add
lies in how they affect the internal angle value of each object on the grid.
For transform, we specify that it should start from the "value": 90.0
and end at "target": 270.0
On the other hand, with add, the value is incremented each frame by "factor": 0.01
, and then this value is directly added to the angle, which could be in any state.
Available fields:
- field: String
- value?: Boolean
Usage example:
"feature": "BooleanFeature",
"field": "isBossKilled",
"value": true
Allows setting any flag
that can later be read by other features or conditions.
Available fields:
- field: String
- value?: Number
- amount?: Number
- minValue?: Number
- maxValue?: Number
Usage example:
"feature": "CounterFeature",
"field": "hp",
"value": 1,
"amount": 0.5,
"minValue": 1,
"maxValue": 3,
Allows setting a numerical variable
. Additionally, we can specify whether we want the value to be incremented (or decremented if a negative value is provided) and within what range it should fall.
Available fields:
- value: NumberTransformer
- interval?: Number
Usage example:
"feature": "FollowPlayerFeature",
"interval": 1.0,
"value": {
"factor": 5.0,
"increase": 0.1
This feature is designed to align the angle of the shroom with the player's angle. To specify the precision, you can use interval
(i.e., how often the angle correction occurs). This parameter is optional, and you can provide only value
, where you exceptionally omit value and target. These two values are dynamically replaced by the FollowPlayerFeature
Usage example:
"feature": "KillFeature"
Adding such a feature without any conditions will cause the shroom to die immediately.
Available fields:
- duration: Number
Usage example:
"duration": 10.0
Using this feature, we can set the maximum lifespan for the shroom. In this case, when 10 seconds have passed since the mushroom's creation, it will be destroyed.
Available fields:
- template: String,
- amount?: Number,
- interval?: Number,
- duration?: Number
Usage example:
"template": "particle_default",
"amount": 10,
"interval": 0.12,
"duration": 1.2
Allows emitting particles. The amount
specifies the number of particles, while duration
along with interval
allow for their sequential emission. If we do not provide these two parameters, the particles
will be created only once.
Available fields:
- bullet: String,
- speed: Number
- interval?: Number
- bullets?: Number
Usage example:
"feature": "ShootFeature",
"bullet": "bullet_default",
"speed": 15,
"interval": 0.5,
"bullets": 7
A simple feature allowing for shooting bullets. bullets
allow specifying their finite amount (not providing this argument will be equivalent to an infinite amount of ammunition).
Available fields:
- transform?: NumberTransformer
- add?: NumberTransformer Usage example:
"feature": "SpeedFeature",
"transform": {
"value": 90.0,
"target": 270.0,
"factor": 1.0,
"increase": 0.0
"feature": "SpeedFeature",
"add": {
"value": 0.0,
"target": 2.0,
"factor": 0.01,
"increase": 0.0
The principle of operation is exactly the same as in AngleFeature
, with the difference that it modifies the internal variable speed
instead of angle.
Available fields:
- sprite: Sprite
- mask?: Rectangle
Usage example:
"feature": "SpriteFeature",
"sprite": { "name": "texture_baron" },
"mask": {
"x": 32,
"y": 32,
"width": 128,
"height": 128
Using this feature, we can swap textures
at runtime. mask
allows for manipulating the collision
Available fields:
- amount?: Number
- size?: Number
Usage example:
"feature": "SwingFeature",
"amount": 3.0,
"size": 2.0
With this feature, we can modify the trajectory of the shroom in such a way that it swings evenly.
The amount
specifies by how much frames the timer looped in the range from 0 to PI * 2
should be incremented, while the size
value is used to multiply cos(timer.update(amount)) * size
"feature": "FEATURE_NAME",
"conditions": [
"data": {
"condition-params...": "...values"
"feature-params...": "...values"
Conditions, like features, are objects placed within a collection. They are distinguished by the mandatory field type
, which contains the name of the condition. Additional parameters can be added within the optional parameter data
It is worth noting that Conditions do not exist independently of features, so they are also entered in the editor using a text-area.
As of today, there are eight
implemented conditions in visu
- boolean,
- kill,
- lifespawn,
- logic-gate
- numeric,
- player-distance,
- player-landed,
- player-leave.
Available fields:
- value: Boolean
- field: String
Usage example:
"feature": "BooleanFeature",
"conditions": [
"type": "player-landed"
"field": "isBazyl",
"value": true
"conditions": [
"type": "boolean",
"data": {
"field": "isBazyl",
"value": true
"sprite": {
When a player lands on a shroom with such features, its texture will be changed to texture_bazyl
Usage example:
"feature": "ParticleFeature",
"conditions": [
"type": "kill"
"template": "particle_default",
"amount": 100
The feature will only be triggered at the moment of the shroom's death. As part of this event, 100 particles will be emitted from the template particle_default
at the shroom coordinates.
Available fields:
- value: Number
- operator: SimpleComparator
Usage example:
"feature": "LifespawnFeature",
"duration": 10.0
"feature": "FollowPlayerFeature",
"conditions": [
"type": "lifespawn",
"data": {
"opeartor": "greaterOrEqual",
"value": 6.0
"value": {
"target": 360.0,
"factor": 0.2
The shroom will start moving towards the player only after 6 seconds from its creation.
is an enumeration type that can take the following values: equal
, greater
, greaterOrEqual
, less
, and lessOrEqual
Available fields:
- gate: SimpleLogicGate
- fieldA: String,
- fieldB: String
Usage example:
"feature": "BooleanFeature",
"conditions": [
"type": "player-landed"
"field": "A",
"value": true
"feature": "BooleanFeature",
"conditions": [
"type": "player-leave"
"field": "B",
"value": true
"feature": "FollowPlayerFeature",
"conditions": [
"type": "logic-gate",
"data": {
"operator": "and",
"fieldA": "A",
"fieldB": "B"
"value": {
"factor": 0.2,
"increase": 0.01
The FollowPlayerFeature
will start following the player only when the player lands on and leaves the shroom
. The increase will increment the factor each frame, meaning that over time, the shroom will gradually move towards the player
is an enumeration type taht can take the following values: and
, or
, not
, nor
, nand
, xor
, xnor
Available fields:
- value: Number
- field: String
- operator: SimpleComparator
Usage example:
"feature": "CounterFeature",
"field": "hp",
"value": 2,
"amount": -1,
"minValue": 0,
"maxValue": 2,
"feature": "KillFeature",
"conditions": [
"data": {
"operator": "lessOrEqual",
"field": "hp",
"value": 0.0
In this case, you need to land twice on the same shroom for the KillFeature
feature to be triggered.
Available fields:
- value: Number
- operator: SimpleComparator
Usage example:
"feature": "AngleFeature",
"conditions": [
"type": "player-distance",
"data": {
"value": 1.5,
"operator": "less"
"type": "player-distance",
"data": {
"value": 0.5,
"operator": "greater"
"add": {
"value": 0.0,
"target": 2.0,
"factor": 0.01,
"increase": 0.0
If the shroom is at a distance from the player between 0.5
and 1.5
, it will rotate to the left at a maximum speed of two degrees per frame
Usage example:
"feature": "ParticleFeature",
"conditions": [
"type": "player-landed"
"template": "particle_default",
"amount": 10,
"interval": 0.2,
"duration": 1.5
After the player lands on the shroom, for 1.5 seconds
, every 0.2
seconds, 10 particle_default
particles will be generated.
Usage example:
"feature": "ParticleFeature",
"conditions": [
"type": "player-leave"
"template": "particle_default",
"amount": 10,
"interval": 0.2,
"duration": 1.5
Same as in player-landed
, but triggered when the player leaves the shroom.