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Swing Yearmonth picker

Maven Central javadoc

A year-month date picker component for java swing. Requires java 11 or higher (tested with jdk 11 and 17)

There are two versions:

  1. YearMonthPickerCombo - a combobox that return a YearMonth.
  2. YearMonthPicker - A custom control that resembles DatePicker where the user can click a calendar and then pick the desired year month.

Both works similar to a combo box i.e. you do getValue() to get the value and setOnAction() to capture a value change e.g.

import se.alipsa.symp.YearMonthPicker;

class Example {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("Year month combo");
    JPanel panel = new JPanel();
    YearMonthPicker ymp = new YearMonthPicker();
    ymp.addListener(e -> System.out.println(ymp.getValue()));
    panel.add(new JLabel("Default Combo: "));

There are no external dependencies, and the jar file is about 40kb so nice and small. You can download the jar file from the release section or add the following to your maven file:


...or the equivalent to you favorite build tool. The module name for this library is se.alipsa.symp


YearMonthPickerCombo Screenshot

There are 5 constructors:

YearMonthPickerCombo() This gives you YearMonths 3 year back and 3 years into the future from now.

YearMonthPickerCombo(YearMonth initial) This gives you YearMonths 3 year back and 3 years into the future from initial.

YearMonthPickerCombo(YearMonth from, YearMonth to, YearMonth initial) This gives you all yearmonths between from and to (both from and to included) with the initial value as the default selected.

YearMonthPickerCombo(YearMonth from, YearMonth to, YearMonth initial, Locale locale) This gives you all yearmonths between from and to (both from and to included) with the initial value as the default selected displayed in the locale specified formatted as "yyyy-MM".

YearMonthPickerCombo(YearMonth from, YearMonth to, YearMonth initial, Locale locale, String format) This gives you all yearmonths between from and to (both from and to included) with the initial value as the default selected, displayed in the locale specified in the format specified.


YearMonthPickerCombo Screenshot

There are 5 constructors:

YearMonthPicker() This gives you YearMonths 3 year back and 3 years into the future from now in the system default locale.

YearMonthPicker(YearMonth initial) This gives you YearMonths 3 year back and 3 years into the future from initial in the system default locale.

YearMonthPicker(YearMonth initial, Locale locale) This gives you YearMonths 3 year back and 3 years into the future from initial in the specified locale. Month names are in full (long) format.

YearMonthPicker(YearMonth from, YearMonth to, YearMonth initial) This gives you all yearmonths between from and to (both from and to included) with the initial value as the default selected in the default locale. The display value (when a year month is chosen) will be displayed in the format "yyyy-MM".

YearMonthPicker(YearMonth from, YearMonth to, YearMonth initial, String monthNameFormat) This gives you all yearmonths between from and to (both from and to included) with the initial value as the default selected in the default locale. MonthNameFormat is how the month names will be displayed in the popup. Set it to "MMM" for the letter short style or include the year with "yyyy-MMM" or whatever. The display value (when a year month is chosen) will be displayed in the format "yyyy-MM".

YearMonthPicker(YearMonth from, YearMonth to, YearMonth initial, Locale locale, String monthNameFormat) This gives you all yearmonths between from and to (both from and to included) with the initial value as the default selected in the locale specified. MonthNameFormat is how the month names will be displayed in the popup. Default is "MMMM" (long format), set to "MMM" for the letter short style or include the year with "yyyy-MMM" or whatever. The display value (when a year month is chosen) will be displayed in the format "yyyy-MM".

YearMonthPicker(YearMonth from, YearMonth to, YearMonth initial, Locale locale, String monthPattern, String yearMonthPattern) This gives you all yearmonths between from and to (both from and to included) with the initial value as the default selected in the locale specified. MonthNameFormat is how the month names will be displayed in the popup. Default is "MMMM" (long format), set to "MMM" for the letter short style or include the year with "yyyy-MMM" or whatever. The display value (when a year month is chosen) will be displayed in the format provided with the yearMonthPattern argument.


A year-month date picker component for java swing







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