This CLI application is a tool for finding any type of duplicate files in one or more directories. It allows the user to specify the directories to search and whether to search recursively in subdirectories. It then generates a list of all the files in the specified directories and their subdirectories, and groups the files by their hash to identify duplicates. The app then outputs a list of the duplicate files, along with the number of duplicates found and the total size of the duplicates. This can be useful for finding and removing unnecessary copies of files to free up disk space.
colorama = "^0.4.6" # for colored outputs in the terminal
Either execute
pip install -r requirements.txt
or executepoetry install
in the repository directory.
Fork the Repl and open the replit
. Then execute the CLI commands. By default the help command will be displayed if you run directly using theRun
button in replit. [-h] [-i] [-r] [-v] directories [directories ...]
positional arguments:
directories one or more directories to search for duplicate files
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i, --include-hidden include hidden files and directories
-r, --recursive search subdirectories recursively
-v, --verbose increase output verbosity
A sample directory structure using tree /F
in windows cmd
; Argument /F
includes all files:
│ New Text Document.txt
│ New Rich Text Document.rtf
│ New Text Document.txt
Executing the command
python -r E:\tutorials
from the repository directory.
Search subdirectories recursively:..............True
Include hidden files and directories:..........False
Selected directories to search for duplicate files:
Total number of files:.............................7
Number of unique files:............................6
Number of duplicate files:.........................1
Duplicate files by hash:
"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e": [
"E:\\tutorials\\ML-basic\\New Text Document.txt",
"E:\\tutorials\\New Text Document.txt"
*For more details, run the code with `-v` or `-vv` etc.