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DPDA (Deterministic Pushdown Automaton) Implementation in Python

This repository contains a Python implementation of a Deterministic Pushdown Automaton (DPDA). A DPDA is a type of automaton used in formal language theory, capable of recognizing context-free languages.


The DPDA implementation includes the following components:

  • DPDA Class: Represents the deterministic pushdown automaton with methods for initialization, state transition, acceptance checking, and string processing.
  • parse_input Function: Parses an input file to extract alphabet, states, transitions, acceptance states, and test strings.
  • main Function: Entry point that reads an input file, initializes a DPDA, processes test strings, and prints results.

DPDA Class


  • __init__(self, transitions, initial_state, acceptance_states)

    • Initializes the DPDA with transition rules, initial state, and acceptance states.
  • reset(self)

    • Resets the stack to its initial state ('Z').
  • transition(self, state, symbol, stack_top)

    • Retrieves the next state and stack symbols to push based on current state, input symbol, and top of the stack.
  • is_accepting(self, state)

    • Checks if a given state is an acceptance state.
  • process_string(self, string)

    • Processes an input string to determine if it is accepted by the DPDA.

parse_input Function

  • parse_input(file_path)
    • Reads an input file and extracts alphabet symbols, states, transitions, acceptance states, and test strings.

main Function

  • main(file_path)
    • Entry point of the script. It reads an input file, initializes a DPDA, processes each test string, and prints the acceptance result.

Input File Format

The input file format is structured as follows:

  1. Number of symbols in the alphabet.
  2. Alphabet symbols (space-separated).
  3. Number of states.
  4. Number of transitions.
  5. Transition rules in the format: current_state, input_symbol, stack_top -> next_state, stack_push.
  6. Number of acceptance states.
  7. Acceptance states (space-separated).
  8. Test strings (one per line), terminated by a line containing only $.

Example Input File (test.txt)

a b
0, a, Z -> 1, AZ
1, a, A -> 1, AA
1, b, A -> 2, @
2, b, A -> 2, @
2, @, Z -> 2, @


To use the DPDA implementation:

  1. Ensure Python 3.x is installed.

  2. Clone the repository or download the file.

  3. Create an input file following the specified format (like test.txt).

  4. Run the script with the command:

    python test.txt
  5. View the results for each test string printed to the console.


The output displays each test string followed by whether it was accepted or rejected by the DPDA.

Example Output

aab: Accepted
abb: Rejected


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


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