Vagrant Packer plugin allows to compose Packer templates and run them using vagrant and Vagrantfile
; it also helps using Chef as provisioner.
- Install Vagrant(1.8.1+)
- Install Packer (0.8.6+)
vagrant plugin install vagrant-packer-plugin
Define the following Vagrantfile
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
# Mandatory Vagrant Packer Plugin configuration
config.packer_build.instance_templates = ["<instance_template_json_path>"]
#Optional Chef provisioning configuration
config.packer_build.cookbooks_url = "<berks_generated_cookbooks_tar_gz_url>"
#Alternative for Chef cookbooks configuration (using Berkshelf)
config.packer_build.berksfile = "<berksfile_path>"
#Chef Databags configuration
config.packer_build.databags_url = "<databags_tar_gz_url>"
config.packer_build.databags_username = "<databags_username>"
config.packer_build.databags_password = "<databags_password>"
config.packer_build.ks_template = ""
vagrant packer-build
from the same folder of your Vagrantfile
Type vagrant packer-build -h
for more info on configuration.
- Clone this repository
rm Gemfile.lock ; bundle ; rake build ; vagrant plugin install pkg/vagrant-packer-plugin-0.8.0.gem
- Fork this project
- Code/build your feature
- Open Pull Requests only to develop please, as we want master to be the release branch