A1 Fitness Logger is a web application that allows users to track their workouts. The application is built with a focus on delivering an intuitive and enjoyable experience for users.
The following technologies have been used to develop Musical Mousse:
1. React: A popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
2. TypeScript: A strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript.
3. Redux: A state management library for React that allows for a centralized store of data in a React application.
4. Node.js: A JavaScript runtime environment used for building server-side applications.
5. Express: A fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js.
6. MongoDB: A NoSQL database used for storing data for the application.
7. Vercel: A platform for deploying and hosting web applications.
8. Github Actions: CI/CD process to ensure proper build, and unit testing.
9. Google Gemini for Workout Buddy AI chat feature.
These are a list of features I want to integrate.
[x] - Make mobile more appealing (current)
[x] - Have a unique landing page
[x] - Fix the profile page to edit users.
[x] - (Bug)Fix Toastify when user deletes workout and or creates new workout
[x] - Implement webpack for serve and build process
[x] - Convert project to typescript
[x] - Implement unit testing
[100%] - Replace useEffect fetch calls with react query